C.E.S. Model SDI-50 Manual
The CES Model SDI-50 Programmable Interconnect is a fully automatic
microprocessor controlled telephone interconnect for use in
land/mobile radio systems. The Model SDI-50 is designed as an
interface controller between the Public Switched Telephone Network and
land/mobile radio base station equipment. This interface allows
mobile radios to originate and receive telephone calis from the Public
Switched Telephone Network when the mobile is equipped with a standard
DTMF encoder for interconnect control. The CES Model SDI-50 is
capable of operating fuli dúplex, half dúplex or simplex.
* Remotely programmable from any DTMF telephone for convenience.
* Single "*" and "^" connect and disconnect codes for simplicity.
* Programmable multi-digit connect and disconnect codes for system
* Regenerated DTMF or pulse dialing into the telephone
* Intelligent, prograinmable toll restriction suitable to your
* Programmable call limit and mobile activity timers to help control
system loading.
* Time out warning signals before automatic disconnection.
* Morse code station identifier.
* Busy channel transmit lock out.
* Múltiple relay contad closures for custom applications.
* Repeater controller capability with programmable transmitter hang
time and time out timer makes the SDI-50 an inexpensive back-up unit.
* Regenerated DTMF land line to mobile selectivo signaling for
confidence in any network.
* Dial-up remote dispatch for simplex or repeater applications
eliminates costiy DC or tone remotes.
The Model SDI-50 is programmed by DTMF tones from any DTMF telephone
for "remote" programming, or by the DTMF encoder supplied with the
SDI-50 for "local" programming. Programming the Model SDI-50 allows
the unit to be customized to suit the particular requirements of your
interconnected system. All programming data is stored in an EEPROM
that maintains data integrity without power for a mínimum of 100
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