C.E.S. Model SDI-50 Manual, Repeater Controller
The SDI-50 can be configured to function as a repeater controller when
wired to a full duplex base station, separate transmitter and
receiver, or an existing repeater. The SDI-50 will control the
transmitter with programmable hangtime and timeout functions. The
repeat audio path provides internal squelching, subaudible tone
filtering, automatic gain control, and courtesy tone if desired.
There is also a provision for CTCSS control. A programmable Morse
code station identifier is provided specifically for this mode. If a
telephone line is available, the interconnect or phone patch mode can
aiso be used to take full advantage of all features included with the
Installation as a repeater controller is essentially the same as with
the duplex installation. The main exception is that a single
transceiver generally can not be used. A transceiver that is capable
of fuli duplex operation, or has been modified to so that the
transmitter and receiver work independently of each other will usually
work. Two transceivers may be used by making the appropriate
connections to each.
Before adjustments can be made, all connections to the associated
radios must be complete, and the repeat mode enabled. See section
6.2.2 to enable the repeat mode. However, before enabling the repeat
mode you must make sure that the "Mobile Detect" LED is functioning
properly. This is critical to any operation of the SDI-50 if noise
squeich is to be used. Refer to the NOISE CONTROL level adjustment to
make any necessary changes to the Noise Control R91.
If CTCSS is desired, a connection to a sub audible tone decoder or
repeater tone panel will be necessary. See CTCSS control in section
4.1.8 for configuration of JMP6 and threshold adjustment. Once you
have made the adjustments and established that the front panel "Mobile
Detect" LED is functioning properiy (normally extinguished;
illuminated when a mobile is detected), programming changes and the
final adjustments can begin. There are some repeater mode parameters
to be programmed which shouid be set as in section 6.2.2.
There is one other audio level adjustment necessary for repeater
operation. This is the Repeat Audio Level; R61. Adjust the repeat
audio level as in the Level Adjustments in section 5.6.
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