C.E.S. Model SDI-50 Manual, General Description
Radios with external discriminator outputs usually do not provide raw
discriminator audio and signals taken from this location may not
function on the SDI-50.
Jumper JMP6 should in placed in position D/A unless CTCSS or DCS is
being used. If so, see the CTCSS section 4.1.8. for propper placement
of JMP6.
4.1.10 TB1-6 and 19 CONTROL OUTPUTS
TB1-19 Control Out 1 - CTRL 1
TB1-6 Control Out 2 - CTRL 2
These outputs are the open collectors of transistors Q22 and Q23.
These outputs are controlled by the Special Connect code. Either of
these outputs may be used for a customer defined purpose, i.e.,
remotely controlling other equipment.
TB1-19 CTRL 1 goes low true after receipt of the
Special Connect code and returns high automatically after
receipt of next disconnect code.
TB1-6 CTRL 2 goes low true after receipt of Special Connect
code followed by the connect code. Returns high after receipt
of next disconnect code. Temporary Toll Defeat (*5 20) must be
on for CTRL 2 to work.
These codos are not available during the time the patch is temporarily
disabled by code "*7 4".
4.1.11 TB1-17 and 18 FUNCTION OUTPUTS 1 & 2
TB1-17 Function 2 Output
TB1-18 Function 1 Output
These outputs are for user defined applications to control or switch
other equipment or relays.
Both are the open collectors of transistors Q20 and Q21 and might need
to be pulled to +5V or +12V depending on the intended use. These
outputs are able to sink up to 500mAdc continuously. When the
interconnect is first powered up, Function 1 is in the "ON" state, and
Function 2 is in the "OFF" state.
Both outputs are turned on and off by sending the user defined
Function On/Off Codes (*7 2 and *7 3). See the section on programming
for the use of these codes. They may still be used while the patch is
temporarily disabled from code "*74".
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