Is the CareAlert Smart Dialler only for the elderly living on their own?
No. While this may be a primary reason for the purchase of this excellent
product, nevertheless, the application of using the CareAlert Smart Dialler
varies greatly. For a detailed look at these different applications please go to
Can I communicate with the person that is in trouble?
Yes, two way communications is possible over the loud speaker and microphone
system built into the Smart Dialler. It sits alongside your phone and so obviously
it is limited by how far the person needing help is away from that room. It will
also depend on the layout of the home and its furnishings. Plush furnishings
attenuates sound and can therefore limit the distance outside the room whereas
open planned living and tiled floors allows for two way communication to take
place over a greater distance. If the person needing help is outside and 2 way
communication couldn’t be established the person called hangs up and loud
doorbell chimes are then heard coming from the dialler to indicate to the person
needing help that someone is on the way to the door to help. These chimes can
be heard outside the house if one listens for them. There is no communication
via the pendant.
What do the calls cost me if the CareAlert Smart Dialler dials out for help?
No more than if you lifted the phone handset and dialed with your own phone.
After all that is what it is doing, only it is automated.
How do Triple Zero (000) know to send an ambulance and how do they know
the address?
The pre-recorded message that you place on the dialler mentions your name
and address and the fact that you have pressed your CareAlert button. As soon
as Triple Zero operatives hear the Company name of CareAlert they know
that an ambulance is to be sent immediately to the address stated in the pre-
recorded message. They also have CLI (Call Line Identifier) software and know
the location of the caller. The CareAlert Smart Dialler is designed for Ambulance
Only NOT Police or Fire Brigade.
Will I need to re-program the CareAlert Smart Dialler if I lose power?
No. The CareAlert Smart Dialler has EPROM technology meaning that whatever
you program into it, will remain, even if power is lost or if the dialler is stored or
taken to another premises.
How does the CareAlert Smart Dialler know that my call for assistance has been
live answered and not by an answering machine or message bank service?
The CareAlert Smart Dialler has been especially designed with a response feature
that allows it to know whether you call for assistance has been live answered or
not. The recipient of the call is asked to press the * (Star Key). This sends a signal
to the Smart Dialler which opens up the 2-way communication feature and
also lets the Smart Dialler know that the call has been live answered. Obviously
this signal will not be sent if the call is answered by an automated answering
system. If the CareAlert Smart Dialler does not receive this *(Star Key) signal, it
will continue to dial out to the next number that has been stored.
Will I completely own my CareAlert Dialler once I have purchased it outright?
Yes. Unlike some expensive monitoring dialing systems that you rent and never
own, this dialler is yours completely once it has been fully paid for.
Has the CareAlert Smart Dialler been
tested and approved for Australian standards?
Yes. This product has passed all the strict and rigorous Australian standards
including AS/NZS 60950:2000, AS/ACIF S002:2001, AS/ACIF S004:2001. A full
set of test reports and compliance documentation is kept by Safety Electrical
Services Pty Ltd.
Are there any installation costs after I have purchased my CareAlert Smart
The dialler has been designed to be user friendly and can be easily self
programmed. If you are not comfortable with following the step-by-step
instructions provided with this product, then we suggest allowing some-one
else (perhaps a family member or friend) do so on your behalf.