7-6 Working with Documents in the Desktop Manager
Chapter 7
To move a document:
1. In either Document View or List View, open the folder containing the
document you want to move.
2. Drag the document to the desired folder.
In Document View, the document is placed in the first available grid space;
in List View, in the appropriate sort order.
Copying a Document
A document can be copied within the same folder, or from one folder to a
different folder. When you copy a document within the same folder, the
copy is assigned the same name as the original document, with an added
unique number. For example, if you copy a document called Document, the
new copy will be named Document (1).
To copy a document within the same folder:
1. Open the folder with the document you want to copy.
2. Select the document, and then click Duplicate on the Edit menu or
To copy a document from one folder to another:
1. Open the folder with the document you want to copy.
2. Drag the document, while holding down the Control key, to the
desired folder.
Renaming a Document or Folder
You can rename a user-defined folder or a document at any time. Folder
names must be unique within the Desktop Manager. You cannot rename a
system-defined folder.