Chapter 5
PC Faxing 5-55
PC Faxing
Removing Noise
You can remove noise or distortions from the cover page. The Remove
Noise filter averages the colour values of adjacent pixels.
To remove noise:
1. On the Adjust menu, point to Advanced, and then click Remove Noise.
2. Drag the Removal slider to the left to remove less noise, to the right to
remove more noise.
As you drag the Removal slider, your changes appear in the Current
thumbnail. You can compare the changes to the Original thumbnail.
3. Click OK to accept your changes. Click Cancel to leave the cover page
Removing Moire Patterns
You can remove moire patterns from a cover page. Because moire patterns
are caused by the intersection of lines in two directions, removing the
pattern requires the following procedure to be performed twice, resetting
the angle option for each set of intersecting lines.
To remove moire patterns:
1. Select the cover page area where the pattern occurs.