orking with Images in ZoomBrowser EX
Sending E-mail with Attached Images
Select to send an e-mail message immediately or to save the
image and send the mail later and then click the [Finish] button.
When the [Create a new email] radio button is selected, the e-mail software starts up
and the window for sending an e-mail message appears with the image already
specified as an attachment.
Enter the address and a message and then send the e-mail.
If the [Save the images in a folder to send through an email program that dose not
support MAPI] radio button is selected, click the [Browse] button and specify the
folder where the image is to be saved.
The images are saved in the specified destination folder.
Automatic e-mail software starting is only supported for e-mail software that supports
MAPI. If your e-mail software does not support MAPI, save the image and start the e-
mail software before attaching the image to the outgoing e-mail.
MAPI (Messaging Application Programming Interface) is an e-mail software function
adopted as a standard by Microsoft Corporation.