Multiplexer Function
The AIM also provides the Multichannel Analyzer function for set-up purposes when
connected to an Analog to Digital Converter (ADC). The 2016’s multiplexer function
provides signal routing for set-up of each SCA window and normalization of signal
levels (gain) using a multichannel analyzer. Typically the “SELECTED AMP” outputs
are daisy chained to an ADC signal input and the “SELECTED SCA” outputs are
daisy chained to the ADC GATE input. Then, depending on the gate mode chosen, the
MCA will either accumulate or exclude only those events falling within the selected
SCA window.
ICB Control
Control of SCA settings and selection of multiplexed outputs are accomplished via the
ICB from an AIM. The ICB can address up to 16 slave devices from a single AIM
which acts as a master. Thus, a typical 13-element detector array system will use a sin-
gle AIM to address the HVPS, ADC and the required thirteen 2016 TCAs. Implemen-
tation of larger systems can be accomplished by adding more AIMs (i.e. a 30-element
array will require two AIMs, 30 TCAs, one ADC and one HVPS).
Software to control the setup of the 2016 and other ICB NIM modules is available un-
der Canberra’s Genie-2000/Genie-PC and Genie-VMS software packages. Software
setup is provided to control the SCA’s centroid window on all three SCAs, SCA Polar-
ity Invert, automatic or manual ICR Threshold, SCA select and PUR enable for each
SCA. Additionally, the software verifies the instrument serial number and model num-
ber each time the input is opened for use.