5. Using the Genie-VMS Software
This chapter describes 2016 Amp/TCA calibration, normalization and setup using the
Genie-VMS software. VMS software installation and setup is covered in “VMS Soft-
ware Installation” on page 47.
Each 2016 defined in the system is assigned a number, from 1 to n (this
number is referred to as a channel).
Up to sixteen 2016 modules may be connected to each AIM.
2016 numbers 1 through 16 are connected to the first AIM, 17-32 to the
second AIM.
The ICB address of a 2016 is the 2016 number minus 1 (for example, 2016
number 1 is at ICB address 0).
The software is designed to accommodate a maximum of thirty-two 2016
modules per system configuration.
Starting the Genie-VMS Software
The 2016’s software is started from the Spectroscopy Assistant’s pulldown menu.
Calibration Procedure
The calibration procedure ensures that the amplifier gain and SCA windows are set so
the SCA settings read directly in energy (keV). For example, the 5.9 keV x-ray peak
Fe will be located at the centroid of an SCA window set to 5.9 keV.
It also ensures that the MCA energy calibration corresponds to the SCA. For example,
MCA cursor located at 5.9 keV will be centered on an SCA window with that setting.
Performing the Calibration
When the detector datasources have been defined (page 48), select 2016
Amp/TCA Software from the Spectroscopy Assistant’s Applications menu.
Select Calibration from the next menu, as shown in Figure 6.
Using the Genie-VMS Software