It also ensures that the MCA energy calibration corresponds to the SCA. For example,
MCA cursor located at 5.9 keV will be centered on an SCA window with that setting.
Pre-Calibration Setup
Use an oscilloscope to view the amplifier output of each 2016 module; adjust the gain
to give a pulse height that is approximately equal to the source energy divided by the
energy range times 10 volts. For example using the 5.9 keV x-ray peak from
Fe and
assuming an energy range of 10 keV, one would adjust each amplifier to (5.9 keV / 10
keV * 10 volts) which equates to about 6 volts.
Performing the Calibration
Select Calibration from the 2016 setup software’s Main Selection Screen, as
shown in Figure 13.
Now you’ll see the screen shown in Figure 14, which allows you to select the
channel (that is, the specific 2016) that is to be calibrated.
Calibration Procedure
Figure 13 Starting the Calibration Procedure