E. Installation Considerations
This unit complies with all applicable European Union requirements.
Compliance testing was performed with application configurations commonly used for
this module; i.e. a CE compliant NIM Bin and Power Supply with additional CE com-
pliant application-specific NIM were racked in a floor cabinet to support the module
under test.
During the design and assembly of the module, reasonable precautions were taken by
the manufacturer to minimize the effects of RFI and EMC on the system. However,
care should be taken to maintain full compliance. These considerations include:
• A rack or tabletop enclosure fully closed on all sides with rear door access
• Single point external cable access
• Blank panels to cover open front panel Bin area
• Compliant grounding and safety precautions for any internal power distribution
• The use of CE compliant accessories such as fans, UPS, etc.
Any repairs or maintenance should be performed by a qualified Canberra service
representative. Failure to use exact replacement components, or failure to reassemble
the unit as delivered, may affect the unit’s compliance with the specified EU