histogram for each live view frame; however, at the cost of a decreased frame rate. Toggle the
histogram off to maximize the frame rate.
Canon cameras can display the live view image on the camera and Mac and allow the user to
trigger images with the camera by acMvaMng the camera’s live view buRon
starMng live
view within the CamRanger applicaMon. Nikon cameras do not allow any control of the physical
camera while live view is acMve within the CamRanger applicaMon.
Captured Images
Captured images will be displayed in the main image view in one of two ways, by selecMng a
thumbnail in the thumbnails secMon of the applicaMon or through the Auto-‐View Images
feature. The Auto-‐View Image feature is useful when capturing images from the camera and
using the Mac applicaMon for image display. When this feature is selected, pictures will
automaMcally display in the main image view screen. This feature can be turned on or off by
selecMng “CamRanger” on the Mac CamRanger menu bar and then “CamRanger Preferences.”
For more informaMon about this feature, refer to the
CamRanger Menu Bar Preferences sec*on
of this document found on page 15
When a thumbnail is selected for viewing, the image will be displayed on the main image view
and can be zoomed in at 50%, 100%, 200%, or fit to screen by selecMng the magnificaMon of
interest below the image. The image can then be panned using the mouse.
Images displayed in the main view are NOT saved by default, but are instead just temporarily
cached. Individual images can be saved by selecMng “File” from the Mac CamRanger menu bar
and then “Save” or “Save As”. For further saving opMons including the ability to automaMcally
save all pictures, refer to the
CamRanger Menu Bar Preferences sec*on of this document found
on page 15
To view the images on the camera’s memory card select “View” on the Mac CamRanger menu
bar and then “Card Contents.” A new window will appear displaying thumbnails of the images
on the camera’s removable media. Double clicking a thumbnail will display the image within the
main image view. AddiMonal features for downloading or deleMng images are also available. For
further informaMon about the card contents, refer to the
CamRanger Menu Bar Card Content
sec*on found on page 17
© CamRanger – Patent Pending