Exposure Compensa5on & Bracke5ng
By clicking the brackeMng buRon, the following controls will be displayed:
Clicking the arrows at the top right and lef moves the exposure compensaMon. Holding down
the arrow will move the exposure compensaMon to its respecMve limit. The two buRons at the
middle control the brackeMng amount. Clicking the arrows poinMng in will reduce the brackeMng
amount, while pressing the arrows point outward will increase the brackeMng amount.
The brackeMng is not set unMl the “Set” buRon is pressed. The “Close” buRon will dismiss the
dialog. Pressing “Close” without pressing “Set” will effecMvely cancel any adjustments made.
Camera Ac)ons
• The “Capture” buRon iniMates the camera trigger. The exact camera behavior is dependent on
the camera and camera properMes, most importantly the capture mode.
• For most capture modes, such as single, Mmer, or quiet the buRon performs the image
capture as expected. It should be noted that for some cameras, advanced modes such as
remote or Mmer the buRon will behave as single capture mode.
• ConMnuous capture mode differs between Nikon and Canon.
• Nikon: Afer selecMng a conMnuous drive mode a dialog is displayed allowing the user to select
the number of images to capture. When the Capture buRon is pressed, that number of
images will be captured.
• Canon: When in a conMnuous mode, pressing and holding the Capture buRon behaves in the
same way as pushing the physical trigger on the camera.
• It is noted that there can be a very slight lag between the pressing of the “Capture” buRon
and the image capture. The delay can be more pronounced while live view is acMve. For Mme
© CamRanger – Patent Pending