The Mmer tab allows the use of the CamRanger as an
intervalometer as well as specifying exposure Mmes when the
camera is in bulb mode.
Time Lapse
The entry fields are used to specify the iniMal delay before the
first shot, the number of shots to take, and the delay in between
each shot.
Afer configuring the sehngs, press the “Start” buRon to begin
the intervalometer process.
The intervalometer commands are stored on the CamRanger
device, the Mac does not need to remain on or connected once the intervalometer command
is iniMated.
The “Shot Delay” should not be used for precision Mming, parMcularly when the delay is only a
few seconds or less.
If the user closes the CamRanger app afer iniMaMng the Mme lapse on the CamRanger, which
includes shot delays of 2 seconds or less, it may be difficult to restart the app since the
CamRanger is primarily communicaMng with the camera.
Time Lapse – HDR
If the camera is in manual exposure mode, a small HDR check box will appear allowing
the combinaMon of a Mme lapse and HDR sequence.
If the HDR check box is selected, for each Mme lapse capture, CamRanger will actually
take a sequence of bracketed images using the bracket parameters as specified within
the HDR tab.
Time Lapse – Bulb
If the camera is in bulb mode/shuRer speed and the camera supports bulb shots, the
CamRanger has the ability to take Bulb shots during the Mme lapse. The bulb duraMon is
specified by the Shot DuraMon, located within the Bulb secMon, immediately below the
Mme lapse secMon.
Before starMng the Mme lapse sequence, a dialog will appear informing the user of the
Mme lapse parameters and provide an opportunity to cancel.
• The entry fields are used to specify the iniMal delay before the first shot and the length of the
• Afer configuraMon, press the “Start” buRon to begin the bulb process.
• The bulb commands are stored on the CamRanger device and the Mac does not need to
remain on or connected.
© CamRanger – Patent Pending