CamRanger Mac Applica0on
Status Bar
The status bar is located at the top of the applicaMon screen and provides the user with a
number of status elements.
From lef to right:
• Camera ConnecMon: Indicates if the CamRanger device is currently communicaMng with the
• Connected:
• Disconnected:
• Camera BaRery Status: Indicates the approximate baRery charge on the camera
• Camera Model Name
• Lens Model Name (Note: not all cameras or lenses are supported)
• Shots Remaining: Indicates the number of shots currently remaining on the camera’s
removable media using the current sehngs
• Quihng, maximizing, and minimizing a window
• Red, Yellow, and Green circle on upper lef corner:
• Red: This serves no purpose and does not actually close the window. To close
the window, select “CamRanger” on the Mac CamRanger menu bar and then
“Quit CamRanger” or use the
+Q shortcut.
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