CamRanger Registra0on
Before a Mac can be used with a CamRanger, the applicaMon should be loaded on the Mac, at
no addiMonal cost to the user, from the Mac applicaMon store or from the CamRanger website,
. Once downloaded, the CamRanger applicaMon needs
to be registered. RegistraMon requires Internet connecMvity. Before proceeding, confirm
Internet connecMvity (do not connect to the CamRanger network).
Launch the CamRanger applicaMon and the following screen appears. If the registraMon pop-‐up
does not appear, from the “Help” tab on the Mac menu bar, click “Register,” and the following
screen will appear.
Enter the 8-‐character CamRanger serial number. The serial number is located both on the
boRom of the back cover as well as above the baRery underneath the back cover. Note that the
serial number contains only leRers and NO numbers.
Press the “Register” buRon to complete the registraMon process. A message box will appear
indicaMng registraMon was successful and the Mac can be used with the CamRanger. Exit the
applicaMon and then proceed with the setup process as detailed below in the CamRanger Setup
If registraMon fails, confirm Internet connecMvity and the CamRanger serial number before
© CamRanger – Patent Pending