8.3.1 Alkaline D cell option (–ALK)
CRVW3–ALK uses eight alkaline D-cell batteries for power. When using this option, no solar panel
or charge mechanism is required. However, visits to the site will be required to replace old
batteries with new ones.
Turn on the CRVW3 by connecting the battery connector to the CRVW3 as shown in the
following figure:
Figure 8-3. –ALK battery pack connection
You should immediately see LED activity on the CRVW3. If no LED activity is observed, then check
and replace the batteries if necessary. See
(p. 39) for more information.
When replacing batteries, disconnect the power connector and remove the CRVW3 battery pack.
Disengage the securing latch by pushing on the metal backing; the hinge should snap out. Once
the battery pack is removed from the enclosure, you can replace the batteries. Replace the
battery pack in the enclosure. Secure the latch, ensuring that the bumpers on the pack contact
the latch and that the battery pack does not move when pressed.
Figure 8-4. Bumpers used to secure the –ALK battery pack
8.3.2 Rechargeable battery option (–RC)
CRVW-RC uses a 7 Ah rechargeable battery for power. You will need a solar panel or some other
DC voltage source (16 to 28 VDC) to recharge the battery. Due to the power requirements of the
–RF451/RF452 radio option, most CRVW3–RF451/RF452 networks will use the –RC option.
CRVW3 3-Channel Vibrating-Wire Data Logger