Calyx Software
Integrated products and services
The following information is applicable when ordering a flood certification:
Some flood agencies require that a user
authentication certificate
be installed on
the computer where the request is being made before a request for a flood report
is processed.
At the time you order a flood certification, you can specify that the flood
information automatically populate the loan file by selecting the
Copy Flood
Hazard Information to this loan
check box.
It is not necessary to order a flood report for co-borrowers on the loan because
the request is for the property, not for an individual.
Rush Order
check box is displayed only if this option is supported by the flood
provider. The default for this option is not selected. To rush your order, select the
check box.
If the request is successful, you will receive the report back from the vendor
If there is a delay with the report, the following message is displayed:
“Your request is being processed. Click on Request Flood again at a later time
and select Check Status of Pending Order”
If an error occurs during the request process, a message is issued that indicates
the cause of the problem and the action that you should take to correct it.
Hazard insurance quotes
Before a loan is funded, the borrower must provide proof of hazard insurance to the
lender. A loan processor can request a hazard insurance quotation through Point on
behalf of the borrower or prospect.
Track the status of your flood request on the
Status and Checklist
Related information
Refer to
Loan status tracking
, on page 214
for more information.
Refer to
Requesting services
, on page 300, for information about
how to request a flood certification.
Refer to
Checking pending request status
, on page 303, for
information about retrieving pending flood requests.
Refer to
Obtaining an authentication certificate
, on page 303, for
information about obtaining an authentication certificate for your
In addition to ordering hazard insurance quotes from the
menu, you can also order a hazard insurance quote by clicking
on the following screens:
Good Faith Estimate
Loan Application
Request for Evidence of Insurance