: The pos si bly sen sible smell is not cau sed by dro plets of oil,
though, but ei ther by ga seous pro cess com po nents or by rea di ly vo la -
tile and thus ga seous com po nents of the oil (par ti cu lar ly additives).
Noise Emission
For the sound pres sure le vel in free field ac cor ding to EN ISO 2151, see
“Tech ni cal Data”.
The va cuum pump emits noise of high in ten si ty.
Risk of da mage to the hea ring.
Per sons staying in the vi ci ni ty of a non noise in su la ted va cuum
pump over ex ten ded pe riods shall wear ear protection.
Transport in Packaging
Pac ked on a pal let the va cuum pump is to be trans por ted with a for -
Transport without Packaging
In case the va cuum pump is bol ted to a pal let or a base plate:
Re move the bol ting bet ween the va cuum pump and the pal -
let/base plate
Do not walk, work or stand un der sus pen ded loads.
: The po si tion of the eye bolt (391) fits to the centre of gra vi ty of
a va cuum pump incl. drive mo tor (400). If a va cuum pump wi thout
drive mo tor is to be lif ted, at tach ano ther belt/rope at a sui table point.
Attach lif ting gear se cu re ly to the eye bolt (391) on the cy lin der.
Attach lif ting gear to a crane hook with sa fe ty latch.
Lift the va cuum pump with a crane hook.
In case the va cuum pump was bol ted to a pal let:
Re move the stud bolts from the rub ber feet.
Til ting a va cuum pump that is al rea dy fil led with oil can cause large
quan ti ties of oil to in gress into the cy lin der.
Star ting the va cuum pump with ex ces sive quan ti ties of oil in the cy -
lin der will im me dia te ly break the va nes and ruin the va cuum pump.
Once the va cuum pump is fil led with oil it shall not be lifted
Prior to eve ry trans port make sure that the oil is drai ned
Short-term Storage
Ver sion with gas bal last de vice with ball-cock:
Make sure that the ball-cock (477) of the gas bal last de vice
(470-480) is clo sed
Make sure that the suc tion connec tion/gas in let and the gas dis -
charge/pres sure connec tion are clo sed (leave the pro vi ded plugs
Store the va cuum pump
if pos sible in ori gi nal pac ka ging,
in do ors,
dust free
vi bra tion free
In case of ad verse am bient condi tions (e.g. ag gres sive at mos phere, fre -
quent tem pe ra ture chan ges) conserve the va cuum pump im me dia te ly.
In case of fa vou rable am bient condi tions conserve the va cuum pump if
a sto rage of more than 3 months is scheduled.
Du ring the fac to ry tests, the va cuum pump in side has been com ple te ly
in contact with oil. In case of fa vou rable am bient condi tions, it is not
ne ces sa ry to the pump with conser va tion oil . In case of un fa vou rable
sto rage condi tions, the va cuum pump drai ning with conser va tion oil is
ad vi sed. If any thing re mains to be cla ri fied please contact your Busch
Make sure that the oil is drai ned (see “Main te nance, Oil Change,
Drai ning Used Oil”)
Ver sion with gas bal last de vice with ball-cock:
Make sure that the ball-cock (477) of the gas bal last de vice
(470-480) is clo sed
Fill in conser va tion oil in small quan ti ties by the suc tion connec tion,
ob serve the oil type and the gi ven quan ti ty in the ta bles below:
Oil Type
Re no lin MRX 68, P/N 0831 512 575
(or a conser va tion oil from same qua li ty)
Pump type
Con ser va tion oil quan ti ty
R 5 0160 D
2 li tres
R 5 0202 D
R 5 0250 D
R 5 0302 D
Wrap PTFE-tape around the thread of the suc tion connec tion
Firm ly close the suc tion connec tion with a plug.
Ope ra tion with a gas dis charge/pres sure connec tion clo sed will da -
mage the va cuum pump.
Make sure that the gas dis charge is open.
Du ring ope ra tion the sur face of the va cuum pump may reach tem -
pe ra tu res of more than 70°C.
Risk of burns!
Do not touch the hot hou sing.
Elec tri cal ly connect the va cuum pump (see “Instal la tion and Com -
mis sio ning, Instal la tion, Con nect Elec tri cal ly”)
Let the va cuum pump run for at least half an hour
Switch the va cuum pump off
Drain the conser va tion oil (see “Main te nance, Oil Change, Drai -
ning Used Oil”)
Wrap PTFE-tape around the thread of a plug
Firm ly in sert the plug into the dis charge connec tion
Make sure that all ports are firm ly clo sed ; seal all ports that are not
with PTFE-tape, gas kets or o-rings with ad he sive tape.
: VCI stands for “Vo la tile Cor ro sion Inhi bi tor”. VCI-pro ducts
(film, pa per, card board, foam) eva po rate a subs tance that conden ses in
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