EC Declaration of Conformity
: This De cla ra tion of Con for mi ty and the
-mark af fixed to the na me plate are va lid for the va cuum pump wi thin the Busch-scope of de li ve ry.
When this va cuum pump is in te gra ted into a lar ger ma chi ne ry the ma nu fac tu rer of the lar ger ma chi ne ry (this can be ope ra tor, too) must conduct the
confor mi ty as sess ment pro cess for the lar ger ma chine, issue the De cla ra tion of Con for mi ty for it and affix the
Ate liers Busch S.A.
Zone Indus trielle
2906 Che ve nez
Swit zer land
re pre sen ted in the Eu ro pean Union by
Dr.-Ing. K. Busch GmbH
Schauins landstr. 1
79689 Maul burg
Ger ma ny
de clare that the va cuum pumps
R 5 0160 D / R 5 0202 D / R 5 0250 D / R 5 0302 D
in ac cor dance with the Eu ro pean Di rec ti ves
“Ma chi ne ry” 98/37/CE,
“Elec tri cal Equip ment De si gned for Use wi thin Cer tain Vol tage Li mits” (so cal led “Low Vol tage”) 73/23/EEC,
“Elec tro ma gne tic Com pa ti bi li ty” 89/336/EEC
have been de si gned and ma nu fac tu red to the fol lo wing spe ci fi ca tions:
Stan dards
Title of the stan dard
Har mo ni sed stan dards
EN ISO 12100-1
EN ISO 12100-2
Sa fe ty of ma chi ne ry - Ba sic concepts, ge ne ral prin ci ples of de sign - Part 1 and 2
EN 294
Sa fe ty of ma chi ne ry - Sa fe ty dis tance to pre vent dan ger zo nes being rea ched by the up per limbs
EN 1012-1
EN 1012-2
Com pres sors and va cuum pumps - Sa fe ty re qui re ments - Part 1 and 2
EN 60204-1
Elec tri cal equip ment of ma chi nes - Part 1:
EN 61000-6-1
EN 61000-6-2
Elec tro ma gne tic com pa ti bi li ty (EMC) - Ge ne ric im mu ni ty stan dards; Part 1 and 2
EN 61000-6-3
EN 61000-6-4
Elec tro ma gne tic com pa ti bi li ty (EMC) - Ge ne ric emis sion stan dards; Part 1 and 2
Na tio nal stan dards
EN ISO 2151
Acous tics - Noise test code for com pres sors and va cuum pumps - Engi nee ring me thod (grade 2)
Ma nu fac tu rer
Man da to ry wi thin the EC:
Ro man Heil
Ge ne ral di rec tor
Dr.-Ing. Karl Busch
Ge ne ral di rec tor