The dis char ged air contains small quan ti ties of va cuum oil.
Staying in va cuum oil conta mi na ted air bears a risk of da mage to
If air is dis char ged into ro oms where per sons stay, suf fi cient ven ti la -
tion must be provided for.
Make sure that the dis charge line fits to the gas dis charge connec -
tion (b,153) of the va cuum pump
In case of using a pipe:
Make sure that the pipe will cause no stress on the dis charge
connec tion, if ne ces sa ry use bel lows
Make sure that the line size of the dis charge line over the en tire
length is at least as large as the gas dis charge connec tion (b,153)
of the va cuum pump
In case of very long dis charge li nes it is pru dent to use lar ger line si zes
in or der to avoid a loss of ef fi cien cy and an over load of the va cuum
pump. Seek ad vice from your Busch re pre sen ta tive
Make sure that the dis charge line ei ther slo pes away from the va -
cuum pump or pro vide a li quid se pa ra tor or a drip leg with a drain
cock, so that no li quids can back up into the va cuum pump
Dis charge li nes made from non-conduc ting ma te rial can build up
sta tic charge.
Sta tic dis charge can cause ex plo sion of po ten tial ly exis ting oil
The dis charge line must be made of conduc ting ma te rial or pro vi -
sions must be made against static discharge
Electrical connection / Controls
Make sure that the sti pu la tions acc. to the EMC-Di rec tive
89/336/EEC and Low-Vol tage-Di rec tive 73/23/EEC as well as the
EN-stan dards, elec tri cal and oc cu pa tio nal sa fe ty di rec ti ves and the
lo cal or na tio nal re gu la tions, res pec ti ve ly, are com plied with (this is
in the res pon si bi li ty of the de si gner of the ma chi ne ry into which
the va cuum pump is to be in cor po ra ted; see also the note in the
EC-Declaration of Conformity).
Make sure that the po wer sup ply is com pa tible with the data on
the na me plate of the drive mo tor (400)
Make sure that an over load pro tec tion ac cor ding to EN 60204-1 is
pro vi ded for the drive motor
Make sure that the drive of the va cuum pump will not be af fec ted
by elec tric or elec tro ma gne tic dis tur bance from the mains; if ne ces -
sa ry seek ad vice from the Busch service
In case of mo bile ins tal la tion::
Pro vide the elec tri cal connec tion with grom mets that serve as
strain-re lief
Heat exchanger (water/ oil) (accessory)
It is pos sible to ins tall a heat ex chan ger (wa ter/ oil) (ac ces so ry) as a
com ple men ta ry co o ling when we have ap pli ca tions with un fa vou rable
am bient condi tions.
Connecting cooling water
The co o ling wa ter connec tion can be made with flexible ho ses or tu -
The co o ling wa ter ou tlet must be wi thout pres sure.
The co o ling wa ter should match with the fol lo wing re qui re ments:
Max. co o ling wa ter pres sure: 10 bar
Co o ling wa ter tem pe ra ture: 15°C (max. 40°C)
Make sure that the “Instal la tion Pre re qui si tes” are com plied with
Set down or mount the va cuum pump at its lo ca tion
Connecting electrically
Risk of elec tri cal shock, risk of da mage to equip ment.
Elec tri cal ins tal la tion work must only be exe cu ted by qua li fied per -
son nel that knows and ob ser ves the fol lo wing re gu la tions:
- IEC 364 or CENELEC HD 384 or DIN VDE 0100, res pec ti ve ly,
- IEC-Re port 664 or DIN VDE 0110,
- BGV A2 (VBG 4) or cor res pon ding na tio nal ac ci dent prevention
The connec tion sche mes gi ven be low are ty pi cal. De pen ding on the
spe ci fic or der or for cer tain mar kets de via ting connec tion sche mes
may ap ply.
Risk of da mage to the drive mo tor!
The in side of the ter mi nal box shall be chec ked for drive mo tor
connec tion instructions/schemes.
Elec tri cal ly connect the drive mo tor (400)
Con nect the pro tec tive earth conduc tor
Del ta connec tion (Low vol tage):
Star connec tion (High vol tage)):
Ope ra tion in the wrong di rec tion of ro ta tion can des troy the va -
cuum pump in short time. .
Risk of ex plo sion!
Prior to star ting-up it must be made sure that the va cuum pump is
ope ra ted in the pro per direction.
De ter mine the in ten ded di rec tion of ro ta tion with the arrow
“Bump” the drive mo tor
Installation and Commissioning
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