Risk of elec tri cal shock, risk of da mage to equip ment.
Elec tri cal ins tal la tion work must only be exe cu ted by qua li fied per son nel that knows and ob ser ves the fol lo wing re gu la tions:
- IEC 364 or CENELEC HD 384 or DIN VDE 0100, res pec ti ve ly,
- IEC-Re port 664 or DIN VDE 0110,
- BGV A2 (VBG 4) or equi va lent na tio nal ac ci dent prevention regulation.
Du ring ope ra tion the sur face of the va cuum pump may reach tem pe ra tu res of more than 70°C.
Risk of burns!!
Let the va cuum pump cool down prior to a re qui red contact or wear heat pro tec tion gloves.
Pro blem
Pos sible Cause
Re me dy
The va cuum pump does not reach the usual
pres sure
The va cuum sys tem or suc tion line is not
Check the hose or pipe connec tions for pos -
sible leak
The drive mo tor draws a too high cur rent
(com pare with ini tial value af ter com mis sio -
Con ta mi na ted oil (the most com mon cause)
Drain the oil
(see “Main te nance”)
Eva cua tion of the sys tem ta kes too long
No or not enough oil in the re ser voir
Top up oil
(see “Main te nance”)
The ex haust fil ters (l) are par tly clog ged
Re place the ex haust fil ters (l)
(see “Main te nance”)
The oil fil ter is par tly clog ged
(the oil flows through the by pass only, the oil
does not get fil te red any more)
Re place the oil fil ter (d)
(see “Main te nance”)
In case a mesh screen (h) is ins tal led on the
suc tion connec tion (a):
The mesh screen (h) on the suc tion connec -
tion (a) is par tly clog ged
Clean the mesh screen (h)
If clea ning is re qui red too fre quen tly ins tall a
fil ter ups tream
In case an in let fil ter is ins tal led on the suc tion
connec tion (a):
The fil ter on the suc tion connec tion (a) is
par tly clog ged
Clean or re place the in let fil ter, res pec ti ve ly
Par tial clog ging in the suc tion, dis charge or
pres sure line
Re move the clog ging
Long suc tion, dis charge or pres sure line with
too small dia me ter
Use lar ger dia me ter
The valve disk (251) of the in let non-re turn
valve is stuck in clo sed or par tial ly open po si -
Di sas semble the in let, clean the mesh screen
(h) and the valve (251-254) as re qui red and
reas semble
The oil tu bing is de fec tive or lea king
The oil re turn line is bro ken
Tigh ten the connec tions
Re place the connec tions and/or the tu bing
(re place with iden ti cal ly di men sio ned parts
A shaft seal is lea king
Re place the shaft seal ring (Busch ser vice)
The ex haust valve (g) is not pro per ly sea ted or
stuck in par tial ly open po si tion
Di sas semble and reas semble the ex haust
valve(s) (g) (Busch ser vice)
A vane(n) is bloc ked in the ro tor or other wise
da ma ged
Free the va nes (n) or re place with new ones
(Busch ser vice)
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