After shut ting down the va cuum pump the
va cuum sys tem exer ted un der pres sure onto
the pump cham ber which suc ked back ex ces -
sive oil from the oil se pa ra tor into the pump
When the va cuum pump was res tar ted too
much oil was en clo sed bet ween the va nes (n)
Oil could not be com pres sed and thus broke a
vane (n)
Re pair the va cuum pump (Busch ser vice)
Make sure the va cuum sys tem will not exert
un der pres sure onto the shut-down va cuum
pump, if ne ces sa ry pro vide an ad di tio nal
shut-off valve or non-re turn valve
Con den sate ran into the pump cham ber
When the va cuum pump was res tar ted too
much conden sate was en clo sed bet ween the
va nes (n)
Con den sate could not be com pres sed and
thus broke a vane (n)
Re pair the va cuum pump (Busch ser vice)
Make sure no conden sate will en ter the va -
cuum pump, if ne ces sa ry pro vide a drip leg
and a drain cock
Drain conden sate re gu lar ly
The drive mo tor is run ning, but the va cuum
pump stands still
The cou pling bet ween the drive mo tor and
the va cuum pum pis de fec tive
Re place the cou pling
The va cuum pump starts, but la bours or runs
noi si ly or rat tles
The drive mo tor draws a too high cur rent
(com pare with ini tial value af ter com mis sio -
Con nec tion(s) in the drive mo tor ter mi nal box
are de fec tive
Not all drive mo tor coils are pro per ly connec -
The drive mo tor ope ra tes on two pha ses only
Check the pro per connec tion of the wi res
against the connec tion dia gram
Tigh ten or re place lo ose connec tions
The va cuum pump runs in the wrong di rec -
Ve ri fi ca tion and rec ti fi ca tion see “Instal la tion
and Com mis sio ning”, cor rect if necessary
Stand still over se ve ral weeks or months
Let the va cuum pump run warm with in let
clo sed
Oil vis co si ty is too high for the am bient tem -
pe ra ture
Use syn the tic oil, if ne ces sa ry use oil of the
next lo wer vis co si ty class (CAUTION: ope ra -
tion with too low vis co si ty can cause chat ter
marks in side the cylinder)
Warm up the oil with a hea ting prior to star -
ting up the va cuum pump or, make sure that
the va cuum pump runs in in ter vals in or der
not to let it get too cold.
Impro per oil quan ti ty, un sui table oil type
Use the pro per quan ti ty of one of the re com -
men ded oils
(see “Oil”,
Oil change see “Main te nance”)
No oil change over ex ten ded pe riod of time
Per form oil change incl. Flus hing (see “Main -
te nance”)
The ex haust fil ters (l) are clog ged and ap pear
black from burnt oil
Flush the va cuum pump
Re place the oil fil ter (d)
Re place the ex haust fil ter (l)
Fill in new oil
(see “Main te nance”)
In case the oil life is too short: use oil with
bet ter heat re sis tance (see “Oil”) or re tro fit
co o ling
Fo reign ob jects in the va cuum pump
Bro ken va nes (n)
Stuck bea rings
Re pair the va cuum pump (Busch ser vice)
The va cuum pump runs very noi si ly
De fec tive bea rings
Re pair the va cuum pump (Busch ser vice)
Worn cou pling ele men
Re place the cou pling ele ment
Stuc ked va nes (n)
Re pair the va cuum pump (Busch ser vice)
Use only ap pro ved oils (see “Oil”) and
change more fre quen tly
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