background image

Watch the fan wheel of the drive mo tor (400) and de ter mine the
di rec tion of ro ta tion just be fore the fan wheel stops

If the ro ta tion of the fan wheel must be chan ged:

Switch any two of the drive mo tor wi res in the ter mi nal box 

Connecting Lines/Pipes

In case the suc tion line is equip ped with a shut-off valve:

Con nect the suc tion line

Con nect the dis charge line

Instal la tion  wi thout  dis charge  line:

Make sure that the gas dis charge (b,153) is open

Make sure that all pro vi ded co vers, guards, ho ods etc. are moun -

Make sure that co o ling air in lets and ou tlets are not co ve red or
obs truc ted and that the co o ling air flow is not af fec ted ad ver se ly in 
any other way

Filling Oil

In case the va cuum pump was trea ted with conser va tion oil:

Drain the re main ders of conser va tion oil and top up oil (see
“Main te nance/Oil and Oil Fil ter Change”)


The va cuum pump is ship ped wi thout oil.

Ope ra tion wi thout oil will ruin the va cuum pump in short time.

Prior to com mis sio ning it must be made po si ti ve ly sure that oil is
filled in.

The va cuum pump is de li ve red wi thout oil (oil spe ci fi ca tion see “Oil”).

Only oils ac cor ding to DIN 51506, lu bri ca ting oil group VC  must be
used. Using the cor rect lu bri cant has a de ter mi ning on the end pres -
sure (the 0,1 hPa ul ti mate pres sure is ob tai ned with the use of VMH
100 oil type).

The ap pli ca tion of the va cuum pump will de fi nite the oil to be used.


A change of mi ne ral oil by a syn the tic oil needs a spe cial pro ce dure.

If the mi ne ral oil (VM 032, VM 068, VM 100, VMH 100) has to be ex -
chan ged for syn the tic oil (VS 100, VE 101), a spe ci fic pro ce dure must
be ap plied. This pro ce dure is avai lable near all the Busch ser vice

Keep ap proxi ma te ly ac cor ding to the table “Oil” rea dy:

for R 5 0160 - 0202 D ver sions, 5 li tres oil

for R 5 0250 - 0302 D ver sions, 6,5 li tres oil


: The amount gi ven in these ope ra ting ins truc tions is a guide.

The oil sight glass (i,83)  in di ca tes the ac tual amount to be fil led in.


Be fore chan ging the oil type, com pa ti bi li ty shall be chec ked and, if
ne ces sa ry, the pump be flushed.


In case the va cuum pump has po ten tial ly been trea ted with conser -
va tion  oil.

Syn the tic oils (ex cept for oils ba sed on poly-a-ole fin)  are  in com pa -
tible with mi ne ral oils and conser va tion oils.

Risk of foa ming lea ding to des truc tion of the vacuum pump.


Fil ling oil through the gas in let (a,260) will re sult in brea kage of the
va nes (n,22) and des truc tion of the va cuum pump.

Oil may be fil led through the oil fill port only (k,88).


Du ring  ope ra tion  the  oil  se pa ra tor  is  fil led  with  hot,  pres su ri sed  oil

Risk of in ju ry from hot oil mist with open oil fill port.

Risk of in ju ry if a lo o se ly in ser ted oil fill plug is ejec ted.

Re move the oil fill plug only if the va cuum pump is stop ped.

The va cuum pump must only be ope ra ted with the oil fill plug firmly 

Re move the oil fill plug (k,88)

Fil ling oil ac cor ding to the va lues set in the table “Oil”

Make sure that the le vel is bet ween the MIN and the MAX-mar -
kings of the oil sight glass (i,83)

Make sure that the seal ring (89) is in ser ted into the oil sight
glass(k,88)and  un da ma ged,  re place  if  ne ces sa ry

Firm ly rein sert the oil sight glass (k,88) to ge ther with the seal ring


: Star ting the va cuum pump with cold oil is made ea sier when at

this very mo ment the suc tion line is nei ther clo sed nor co ve red with a
rub ber  mat.

Switch on the va cuum pump

In case the suc tion line is equip ped with a shut-off valve:

Close the shut-off valve

In case the suc tion line is not equip ped with a shut-off valve:

Co ver the suc tion connec tion with a piece of rub ber mat

Let the va cuum pump run for a few mi nu tes

Shut down the va cuum pump and wait a few mi nu tes

Make sure that the le vel is bet ween the MIN and the MAX-mar -
kings of the oil sight glass (i,83)

In case the le vel has fal len be low the MIN-mar king  of the oil sight

Top-up oil

In case the suc tion line is equip ped with a shut-off valve:

Open the shut-off valve

In case the suc tion line is not equip ped with a shut-off valve:

Re move the suc tion connec tion with a piece of rub ber mat

Recording of Operational Parameters

As soon as the va cuum pump is ope ra ted un der nor mal ope ra ting
condi tions:

Mea sure the drive mo tor cur rent and re cord it as re fe rence for fu -
ture  main te nance  and  trou bles ho o ting  work

Ver sion with ex haust fil ter pres sure gauge

Read the scale of the ex haust fil ter pres sure gauge and re cord
it  as  re fe rence  for  fu ture  main te nance  and  trou bles ho o ting

Installation and Commissioning

Page 8

Summary of Contents for R50160D

Page 1: ...Installation and Operating Instructions Vacuum pumps R 5 0160 D R 5 0202 D R 5 0250 D R 5 0302 D Ateliers Busch S A Zone industrielle 2906 Chevenez Switzerland 0870524627 040106 Modifications reserved ...

Page 2: ... Filling in Fresh Oil 11 Exhaust Filter 11 Check during operation 11 Assessment 12 Change of the exhaust filters 12 Removing the exhaust filters 12 Inserting the Exhaust Filters 12 Gas ballast 12 Inlet flange 12 Fan cover 12 Motor cover 12 Overhaul 13 Removal from Service 13 Temporary Removal from Service 13 Recommissioning 13 Dismantling and Disposal 13 Troubleshooting 14 Exploded view 19 Spare p...

Page 3: ...e mo tor shaft by means of a flexible coupling The rotor o 15 rotates in an also circular fixed cylinder 1 the cen treline of which is offset from the centreline of the rotor such that the rotor and the inner wall of the cylinder almost touch along a line Va nes n 22 sliding in slots in the rotor separate the space between the rotor and the cylinder into chambers At any time gas is sucked in and a...

Page 4: ...ons a heat exchanger wa ter oil can be mounted as a complementary cooling optional To suck condensable vapours a gas ballast valve optional can be ins talled in the cylinder cover at fan side To increase the capacity of va pours another gas ballast valve can be installed in the cylinder cover at the motor side The valve can open or close the gas ballast during the operation of the pump In order to...

Page 5: ...ginal packaging indoors dry dust free vibration free Conservation In case of adverse ambient conditions e g aggressive atmosphere fre quent temperature changes conserve the vacuum pump immediately In case of favourable ambient conditions conserve the vacuum pump if a storage of more than 3 months is scheduled During the factory tests the vacuum pump inside has been completely in contact with oil I...

Page 6: ...ensitive parts plastics wood cardboard paper electronics will touch the surface of the vacuum pump Make sure that the installation space or location is vented such that a sufficient cooling of the vacuum pump is warranted CAUTION During operation the surface of the vacuum pump may reach tem peratures of more than 70 C Risk of burns Make sure that the vacuum pump will not be touched inadverten tly ...

Page 7: ... that the drive of the vacuum pump will not be affected by electric or electromagnetic disturbance from the mains if neces sary seek advice from the Busch service In case of mobile installation Provide the electrical connection with grommets that serve as strain relief Heat exchanger water oil accessory It is possible to install a heat exchanger water oil accessory as a complementary cooling when ...

Page 8: ...except for oils based on poly a olefin are incompa tible with mineral oils and conservation oils Risk of foaming leading to destruction of the vacuum pump CAUTION Filling oil through the gas inlet a 260 will result in breakage of the vanes n 22 and destruction of the vacuum pump Oil may be filled through the oil fill port only k 88 CAUTION During operation the oil separator is filled with hot pres...

Page 9: ...way Make sure that the Installation Prerequisites see Installation Prerequisites and Commissioning are complied with and will re main complied with particularly that a sufficient cooling will be ensured Conveying Condensable Steams CAUTION Residual condensates dilute the oil deteriorate its lubricating proper ties and can cause a jam of the rotor Apply a suitable operating method to make sure that...

Page 10: ... on the vacuum pump Busch service Checking the oil Checking the level Make sure that the vacuum pump is shut down and locked against inadvertent start up Make sure that the oil has collected at the bottom of the oil sepa rator f 75 Read the level on the sight glass i 83 In case the level has dropped underneath the MIN marking Top up oil see Topping up Oil In case the level exceeds the MAX marking ...

Page 11: ...60 0202 D and 6 5 litres of flushing agent for the versions R 5 0250 0302 D from 50 percent oil and 50 percent paraffin or die sel fuel fuel oil Make sure that the oil drain plug j 95 is reinsert correctly Remove the oil fill plug k 88 Fill in the flushing agent Firmly reinsert the oil fill plug k 88 with its sealing seat 89 Close the suction line Run the vacuum pump for at least half an hour Drai...

Page 12: ...ry Release the spring elements 125 by unscrewing the screws 126 and remove them Remove the exhaust filters l 120 and the o rings 121 In the case of a R 5 0160 D or R 5 0202 D version The exhaust filters are two In the case of a R 5 0250 D or R 5 0302 D version The exhaust filters are three Inserting the Exhaust Filters CAUTION The non OEM spares market offers exhaust filters that are geome tricall...

Page 13: ...ent start up Remove the cover around the fan of the drive motor Slowly rotate the fan wheel by hand several revolutions in the intended direction of rotation see stuck on or cast arrow Mount the cover around the fan wheel of the drive motor If deposits could have gathered in the vacuum pump Flush the vacuum pump see Maintenance Observe the chapter Installation and Commissioning Dismantling and Dis...

Page 14: only the oil does not get filtered any more Replace the oil filter d see Maintenance In case a mesh screen h is installed on the suction connection a The mesh screen h on the suction connec tion a is partly clogged Clean the mesh screen h If cleaning is required too frequently install a filter upstream In case an inlet filter is installed on the suction connection a The filter on the suction co...

Page 15: ... level is too low Compare the trip level of the drive motor star ter overload protection with the data on the nameplate Correct if necessary In case of high ambient temperature Set the trip level of the drive motor starter overload protection 5 percent above the no minal drive motor current One of the fuses has blown Check the fuses The connection cable is too small or too long causing a voltage d...

Page 16: ...he wires against the connection diagram Tighten or replace loose connections The vacuum pump runs in the wrong direc tion Verification and rectification see Installation and Commissioning correct if necessary Standstill over several weeks or months Let the vacuum pump run warm with inlet closed Oil viscosity is too high for the ambient tem perature Use synthetic oil if necessary use oil of the nex...

Page 17: ...utside tolerance range Provide a more stable power supply In case a mesh screen h is installed on the suction connection a The mesh screen h on the suction connec tion a is partially clogged Clean the mesh screen h If cleaning is required too frequently install a filter upstream In case an inlet air filter is installed on the suc tion connection a The filter on the suction connection a is partiall...

Page 18: ...atery and coloured white The vacuum pump aspirated water or signifi cant amounts of humidity Flush the vacuum pump Replace the oil filter d Replace the exhaust filters l Flush the vacuum pump see Maintenance Modify the operational mode see Installation and Commissioning Opera ting Notes Conveying Condensable Vapours The oil is resinous and or sticky Improper oil type perhaps in confusion Flush the...

Page 19: ...Exploded view Exploded view Page 19 ...

Page 20: ...eal 1 0481 503 786 159 Discharge valve 2 0916 529 297 162 Seal 1 0481 503 785 185 Oil separator seal 1 0481 516 780 197 O ring 1 0486 516 620 206 Oil separator seal 1 0481 502 719 242 O ring 2 0486 000 587 253 O ring 1 0486 000 526 255 O ring 2 0486 000 531 261 Mesh screen 1 0534 000 041 Pos Part Qt R 5 0250 D R 5 0302 D 18 Sleeve 2 0472 000 008 22 Vanes 3 0722 516 729 30 Needle bearing 2 0473 507...

Page 21: ... cartridge 0945 000 143 0945 000 143 Replacement paper cartridge 0532 000 004 0532 000 004 Gas ballast side fan cover 0916 516 610 0916 516 610 Gas ballast with solenoid valve side fan cover 0916 518 385 0916 518 385 Silencer 0947 000 083 0947 000 083 Exhaust filters pressure gauge 0946 504 734 0946 504 734 Vacuum regulating unit connec tion G 11 2 0947 000 482 0947 000 482 Motor safety switch Adj...

Page 22: ...ic viscosity at 40 C mm2 s 30 68 110 95 94 103 Kinematic viscosity at 100 C mm2 s 5 8 5 11 5 9 5 14 Flashpoint C 225 235 260 255 264 265 Pourpoint C 15 15 15 30 15 48 Part no 1 l bottle 0831 000 086 0831 102 492 0831 000 060 0831 000 099 0831 133 403 0831 000 108 Part no 5 l canister 0831 000 087 0831 102 493 0831 000 059 0831 000 100 0831 540 557 0831 000 109 Note Ultimate pres sure application F...

Page 23: ...7 5 Nominal motor speed 50 60 Hz min 1 1500 1800 Sound level EN ISO 2151 50 60 Hz dB A 70 72 72 74 72 74 74 76 Water vapour tolerance max with gas ballast DIN 28426 hPa mbar 40 Water vapour capacity 50 60 Hz l h 2 5 2 8 4 4 6 4 5 5 5 5 8 Operating temperature 50 60 Hz C 64 66 71 78 80 81 82 85 Ambient temperature range C see Oil Ambient pressure Atmospheric pressure Oil capacity l 5 Weight approx ...

Page 24: ...Certain Voltage Limits so called Low Voltage 73 23 EEC Electromagnetic Compatibility 89 336 EEC have been designed and manufactured to the following specifications Standards Title of the standard Harmonised standards EN ISO 12100 1 EN ISO 12100 2 Safety of machinery Basic concepts general principles of design Part 1 and 2 EN 294 Safety of machinery Safety distance to prevent danger zones being rea...

Page 25: ... 1470 Italy Busch Italia S R L Via Ettore Majorana 16 20054 Nova Milanese Tel 0362 370 91 Fax 0362 370 999 Japan Busch Japan Ltd Akimoto Bldg 2 17 5 Ohgibashi Koto ku Tokyo 135 0011 Tel 03 3640 9971 Fax 03 3640 9972 Korea Busch Korea Ltd 392 1 Yangji Ri Yangji Myun Yongin City Kyunggi Do KOREA Tel 031 321 8114 Fax 031 321 4330 Malaysia Busch Malaysia Sdn Bhd 6 Jalan Taboh 33 22 Shah Alam Technolog...
