Under these condi tions the oil and the oil fil ter shall be chan ged eve ry
5000 ope ra ting hours or af ter half a year.
Under very un fa vou rable ope ra ting condi tions the oil life can be less
than 500 ope ra ting hours. Extre me ly short life ti mes in di cate mal func -
tions (see “Trou bles ho o ting”) or un sui table ope ra ting conditions,
If there is no ex pe rience avai lable with re gard to the oil life un der the
pre vai ling ope ra tion condi tions, it is re com men ded to have an oil ana -
ly sis car ried out eve ry 500 ope ra ting hours and es ta blish the change in -
ter val accordingly.
Oil and Oil Filter Change
In case the va cuum pump conveyed gas that was conta mi na ted
with harm ful fo reign ma te rial the oil will be conta mi na ted with
harm ful ma te rial.
Dan ger to health du ring the chan ging of conta mi na ted oil.
Dan ger to the en vi ron ment.
Per so nal pro tec tive equip ment must be worn du ring the chan ging
of conta mi na ted oil.
Con ta mi na ted oil is spe cial waste and must be dis po sed of se pa ra -
te ly in compliance with applicable regulations.
Draining Used Oil
: After swit ching off the va cuum pump at nor mal ope ra ting tem -
pe ra ture wait no more than 20 mi nu tes be fore the oil is drained.
Make sure that the va cuum pump is shut down and loc ked against
inad ver tent start up
Make sure that the va cuum pump is ven ted to at mos phe ric pres -
Put a drain tray un der neath the oil drain port (j,95)
Re move the oil drain plug (j,95)
Drain the oil
When the oil stream dwin dles:
Close the oil drain plug (j,95)
Switch the va cuum pump on for a few se conds
Make sure that the va cuum pump is shut down and loc ked against
inad ver tent start up
Re move the oil drain plug
Make sure that the sea ling seat on the oil drain plug is un da ma -
ged, if ne ces sa ry re place the oil drain plug
Firm ly rein sert the oil drain plug
Dis pose of the used oil in com pliance with ap pli cable re gu la tions
Flushing the vacuum pump
De gra ded oil can choke pi pes and co o lers.
Risk of da mage to the va cuum pump due to in suf fi cient lu bri ca tion.
Risk of ex plo sion due to over hea ting.
If there is a sus pi cion that de po sits have ga the red in side the va -
cuum pump the va cuum pump shall be flushed.
Make sure that all the used oil is drai ned
= Make sure that the used oil fil ter (d,100) is still in place
Create res pec ti ve ly 5 li tres of flus hing agent for the ver sions R 5
0160 - 0202 D and 6,5 li tres of flus hing agent for the ver sions R 5
0250 - 0302 D from 50 per cent oil and 50 per cent pa raf fin or die -
sel fuel/fuel oil
Make sure that the oil drain plug (j,95) is rein sert cor rec tly
Re move the oil fill plug (k,88)
Fill in the flus hing agent
Firm ly rein sert the oil fill plug (k,88) with its sea ling seat (89)
Close the suc tion line
Run the va cuum pump for at least half an hour
Drain the flus hing agent and dis pose of it in com pliance with ap pli -
cable re gu la tions
: Due to the use of pa raf fin and even more in case of using Die -
sel fuel/fuel oil, un plea sant odour can oc cur af ter re com mis sio ning. If
this is a pro blem, Die sel fuel/fuel oil should be avoi ded and the va -
cuum pump be run at idle in a sui table place un til the un plea sant odour
Cleaning of the level switch
Make sure that all the en tire used oil is drai ned
Unscrew the fixing screws (142) of ex haust co ver plate, take off
the was hers (143) and re move the ex haust co ver plate (140)
Check the seal (141) and re place if ne ces sa ry
Unscrew the fixing screws (196) and re move the float (194)
Check the o-ring (197) and re place if ne ces sa ry
Check float for clean li ness and good ope ra tion. Bast clean with
com pres sed air if ne ces sa ry
For reas sem bly, please re fit float to its sup port (195) whilst ta king
care to fit it the cor rect way round
Replacing the Oil Filter
Make sure that the en tire used oil is drai ned
Re move the oil fil ter (d,100)
Apply a drop of fresh oil on the seal ring of the new oil fil ter
Mount the new oil fil ter (d,100) and tigh ten it by hand
Filling in Fresh Oil
Keep oil acc. to the table “Oil” rea dy
: The amount gi ven in these ope ra ting ins truc tions is a guide.
The oil sight glass (i,83) in di ca tes the ac tual amount to be fil led in.
Make sure that the oil ou tlet plug (j,95) is firm ly in ser ted
Fil ling oil through the suc tion connec tion/gas in let (a,260) will re sult
in brea kage of the va nes (n,22) and des truc tion of the va cuum
Oil may be fil led through the oil fill port only (k,88).
Re move the oil fill plug (k,88)
Fill in oil
Make sure that the le vel is bet ween the MIN and the MAX-mar -
kings of the oil sight glass (i,83)
Make sure that the seal ring (89) is in ser ted into the oil in let plug
(k,88) and un da ma ged, re place if ne ces sa ry
Firm ly rein sert the oil in let plug (k,88) to ge ther with the seal ring
Exhaust Filter
Check during operation
Busch re com mends the use of a fil ter pres sure gauge (avai lable as ac -
ces so ry, see “Acces so ries”). Wi thout fil ter pres sure gauge the fil ter re -
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