In or der to achieve best ef fi cien cy and a long life the va cuum pump
was as sem bled and ad jus ted with pre ci se ly de fi ned to le ran ces.
This ad just ment will be lost du ring dis man tling of the va cuum
It is the re fore stric tly re com men ded that any dis man tling of the va -
cuum pump that is beyond of what is des cri bed in this ma nual shall
be done by the Busch service.
Impro per work on the va cuum pump put the ope ra ting sa fe ty at
Risk of ex plo sion!
Appro val for ope ra tion will be void!
Any dis man tling of the va cuum pump that is beyond of what is des -
cri bed in this ma nual must be done by spe cial ly trai ned Busch ser -
vice personnel only.
In case the va cuum pump conveyed gas that was conta mi na ted
with fo reign ma te rials which are dan ge rous to health, harm ful ma -
te rial can re side in oil and conden sa tes.
Dan ger to health du ring dis man tling of the va cuum pump.
Dan ger to the en vi ron ment.
Prior to ship ping the va cuum pump shall be de con ta mi na ted as
good as pos sible and the conta mi na tion sta tus shall be sta ted in a
“De cla ra tion of Con ta mi na tion” (form downloadable from
Busch ser vice will only ac cept va cuum pumps that come with a com -
ple te ly fil led in and le gal ly bin ding si gned “De cla ra tion of Con ta mi na -
tion” (form down loa dable from www.busch-vacuum.com).
Removal from Service
Temporary Removal from Service
Prior to dis con nec ting pi pes/li nes make sure that all pi pes/li nes are
ven ted to at mos phe ric pressure
Va nes (n,22) can stick af ter a long pe riod of stand still.
Risk of vane brea kage if the va cuum pump is star ted with the drive
mo tor.
After lon ger pe riods of stand still the va cuum pump shall be tur ned
by hand.
After lon ger pe riods of stand still:
Make sure that the va cuum pump is shut down and loc ked
against inad ver tent start up
Re move the co ver around the fan of the drive mo tor
Slo wly ro tate the fan wheel by hand se ve ral re vo lu tions in the
in ten ded di rec tion of ro ta tion (see stuck on or cast arrow
Mount the co ver around the fan wheel of the drive mo tor
If de po sits could have ga the red in the va cuum pump:
Flush the va cuum pump (see “Main te nance”)
Observe the chap ter “Instal la tion and Com mis sio ning”
Dismantling and Disposal
In case the va cuum pump conveyed gas that was conta mi na ted
with harm ful fo reign ma te rial the ope ra ting fluid and the ex haust
fil ter(s) will be conta mi na ted with harm ful ma te rial.
Harm ful ma te rial can re side in po res, gaps and in ter nal spa ces of
the va cuum pump.
Dan ger to health du ring dis man tling of the va cuum pump.
Dan ger to the en vi ron ment.
Du ring dis man tling of the va cuum pump per so nal pro tec tive equip -
ment must be worn.
The va cuum pump must be de con ta mi na ted prior to dis po sal.
Prior to ship ping the va cuum pump shall be de con ta mi na ted as
good as pos sible and the conta mi na tion sta tus shall be sta ted in a
“De cla ra tion of Con ta mi na tion” (form down loa dable from
www.busch-va cuum.com).
Ope ra ting fluid and ex haust fil ters must be disposed of separately
in compliance with applicable regulations.
Used oil, used ex haust fil ters and used oil fil ters are spe cial waste
and must be dis po sed of in com pliance with ap pli cable re gu la tions.
Re move the ex haust fil ter (l,120) (see “Main te nance, Exhaust Fil -
Drain the oil
Re move the oil fil ter (d,100)
Make sure that ma te rials and com po nents to be trea ted as spe cial
waste have been se pa ra ted from the va cuum pump
Make sure that the va cuum pump is not conta mi na ted with harm -
ful fo reign ma te rial
Accor ding to the best kno wledge at the time of prin ting of this ma nual
the ma te rials used for the ma nu fac ture of the va cuum pump in volve no
Dis pose of the used oil in com pliance with ap pli cable re gu la tions
Dis pose of spe cial waste in com pliance with ap pli cable re gu la tions
Dis pose of the va cuum pump as scrap me tal
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