replace the collet adapter, note the orientation of the ½” collet to the spindle, or
better yet utilize a dial indicator to install in the clocking that results in max accuracy.
29. Loosen 2 router mount clamps on Z axis and install Porter Cable router so that the
bottom of the machined portion of the router casting is at the bottom edge of the
bottom clamp. Snug the clamp screws equally. Don’t over tighten.
30. The bottom 43mm clamp (foot) is used for the engraver and other accessories.
The lower clamp tightening screw may be removed for normal use. Don’t clamp it
down tight without an engraver or touch probe installed or it may make it difficult to
install the engraver.
31. Insert a 3/16 collet with a 1/8” end mill (double ended with 3/16 shank) with about
7/8” protruding from the collet
nut. The end mill gage found in
the tool box is helpful with this.
Use Porter Cable spindle lock
and a common 9/16 wrench on
the ER11 collet nut. This
adapter uses industry standard
ER11 collets available from
machine tool supply houses like
Enco or MSC.
32. Plug the router cord into the
connector on the Z axis as
34. Plug the AC cord that exits the
machine near the air regulator in to the GFI AC socket on the SC2B.
35. Note: the GFCI test cannot be completed until the computer has commanded the
spindle and pump power on, and the manual switch on the controller is on. It should
be tested weekly.
36. Connect the 9-pin male/female serial cable from your computers serial port to the
SC2B. If your computer only has USB ports, it will be necessary to use a USB to
serial converter.
37. Connect the Power cord to the SC2B.