and down (3 key) to check z pneumatic timing.
On the Z axis solenoid is a float valve whose purpose is to gently lower the z axis for
checking alignment of the end mill to a material edge to establish a particular position.
The Normal setting is with the handle toward the operator. If the z axis is left in the
down position, it will start cutting if the spindle is turning, and the bit will probably break
when it tries to cut in rapid traverse.
The pneumatics are adjusted at assembly, but may require adjustment from time to
The router used should be mounted so that proper weight is felt by the pneumatics
Adjust the pressure regulator to 40 psi. There are 2 air adjustments that control the Z
up and down time. On the
solenoid valve located on the Z axis assembly is a needle valve control marked “1” and
another marked “2”. The valve marked “2” is not used and should be approximately
flush with the solenoid valve body. The valve marked “1” controls the down speed.
Typically this will be about ¼ turn from full closed. . A proper down speed to move
from upper stop to lower stop is about a count of “one thousand one”, or slightly less
than a second. The needle valve located by the pressure regulator controls the up
speed, but there is some interaction with the down speed. The up speed should be
adjusted faster than the down speed, but not so fast that it slams up. If you have to
make adjustments, back out the #1 valve a couple turns, adjust the bottom needle valve
for a quick one count for z up, and then adjust the #1 valve for a one thousand one
count going down.
The X and Y axis may be exercised from the jog menu. Make sure that the rapid
traverse speed is not too high.
If the rapid traverse is set too high the motor torque may drop to a level that cannot
sustain movement, and your position will be lost.
The maximum 4824 rapid traverse is around 150 IPM.
Cutting a drawing
We’ll start our discussion by routing a single instrument hole. For instance, an altimeter
drawing is an individual shape, its reference (drawing origin), was placed at the center
of the instrument. Altimeter.DXF can be found in the Instrument > Standard folder of