read “controller not found”. In this case, open the options > hardware menu.
If you know the port number used, enter it in the com port text box and click OK.
If the controller is connected to a serial port, but you don’t know the number, double
click the com port text box. The program will look at com ports one through ten for the
presence of the controller. If successful, a pop up will inform you of the port it was
found on.
Once communication is established, now is a good time to set up and verify all of the
options. The important ones are the port number, machine model, and steps per inch
on the options > hardware.
Information on the options can be found in the help file. Click F1 to get context
sensitive help on any open window. The help file is the main operating manual
for the Panel Pro.
If the help file is not found, navigate to the folder where AvCAM is located if prompted
and locate AC.chm.
After the machine is set up and communications established then hit the keyboard “J”
or “1” key to the jog mode.
Click the down “3” key or 3 on your key pad (num lock must be on). This will activate
the Z axis after the spindle delay has timed out. If the spindle is running, it may be shut
off with the spindle on/off switch or the controller spindle off switch so that you don’t
have to listen to a unnecessary noise. Clicking the 9 key will raise the z axis. If nothing
happens, check that the manual spindle and z axis switches are on. Check that the
status bar says “firmware version 1.5x found” (communications established). Check
that the controller to Y axis plug is on the outboard receptacle. See the help file
contents “trouble shooting”.
Check z axis speed:
To exercise the z axis, open
AvCAM, hit the 1 key to enter
jog mode.
Hit the keyboard 3 to lower the
z axis (turn the spindle switch
off for z testing)
The first down stroke will
include the spindle delay. After
that times out (2 seconds) you
can run the z axis up (9 key)