- 1.2 -
The KTF/100HPS devices are controlled by an internal microprocessor providing great
(parameters may be programmed depending on the various yarn machining
The KTF/100HPS device considerably reduces the preparation tasks, thanks to a single
self-threading ceramic eyelet that makes the operator job easier.
The tension value displayed on KTF/100HPS’s LCD indicates the actual tension with
which the device is working. This guarantees a constant and accurate monitoring of the
working process.
Advantages obtained by using the KTF/100HPS devices
Constant yarn tension both when the machine speed changes and when the yarn
packages gradually get empty.
Best efficiency by eliminating the yarn breakage
(tears and extratensions),
possibility to work at the highest speed offered by the machine.
Possibility to work with a wide range of yarn types including:
- Very thin yarns, such as bare elastomers 11/17 DTEX.
- Very difficult yarns, such as covered elastomers
- Elasticised yarns either bare or covered
- Nylon, cotton, etc.
Yarn tension graduation capability, with 0.1 g. resolution
(INC/DEC function
Accurate yarn feeding speed measurement
(1 to 1500 m/min) – (LFA m/min = Length
of Absorbed Yarn).
Optimisation of yarn consumption and less difficulties to keep the correct size of
manufactured products.
Drastic reduction of yarn consumption
(8% to 15% for bare elastomers, 2% - 5% for
covered elastomers).
Better quality of manufactured product
(defect free)
and drastic drop of second choice
Constant keeping of set size, independently of the yarn package emptying condition.
Possibility to use the yarn up to the complete package emptying.
Better machine efficiency.
Possibility to feed the strap elastic or wrist band, guaranteeing a constant compression
(hosiery machines).
Possibility to perform gradual compression with no limits, and with a minimum
resolution of 0.1 grams.
Efficiency optimisation on machines that use the yarn in non-continuous mode (Start-
Stop), thanks to the possibility to draw back immediately the yarn fed in excess
(Mode 04 – BTSR Patent)
Full control of yarn presence, even during the “LEARN” phase performed with the
SMART KTF 2000 control terminal.
(Mode 04 – BTSR Patent)
Possibility to find the best application conditions of KTF/100HPS device:
(No of coils
to be wound around the roller, ideal programming values for parameters etc),
to the continuous visualization, in graphic form, of both average and peak values of
yarn tension.