6-16-1. Fase plate, X-over seam sensor
and Hand switch assembly ................ 98
6-16-2. Cord holder and Thread wiper
device assembly ................................ 100
6-17. Thread trimmer solenoid and tension
release wire ................................................. 101
6-17-1. Thread trimmer solenoid assembly ... 101
6-17-2. Harnesses ......................................... 102
6-17-3. Tension release wire ......................... 103
6-18. Tension mechanism (Other than premier
specifications) .............................................. 104
6-19. Tension mechanism (Premier
specifications) .............................................. 105
6-20. Wick holder and oil tube
(-[]0[] specifications only) ............................. 106
6-21. Needle plate, feed dog, etc. ........................ 106
6-22. Covers. ........................................................ 107
6-22-1. Panel ................................................. 107
6-22-2. Top cover and pulley cover ............... 108
6-23. Connector. ................................................... 109
6-24. Thread wiper. ............................................... 110
6-25. Knee lifter assembly. ................................... 112
7. ADJUSTMENTS ..................................
7-1. Thread tension spring .................................... 114
7-2. Arm thread guide R ....................................... 115
7-3. Presser foot height ........................................ 115
7-4. Adjusting the upper shaft reference
position .......................................................... 116
7-5. Adjusting the feed (position, maximum pitch,
vertical movement, etc.) ................................ 119
7-5-1. Adjusting the feed motor home
position ................................................ 119
7-5-2. Matching the feed pitch on the panel
with the actual stitch length ................. 121
7-5-3. Adjusting the reverse stitch length ...... 121
7-5-4. Basic adjustments ............................... 122
7-5-5. Adjusting the vertical feed amount ...... 125
7-5-6. Adjusting the level feed timing ............ 126
7-5-7. If the maximum feed pitch is 7 mm
(-[][]5 specifications only) .................... 127
7-6. Adjusting the needle bar height ..................... 128
7-7. Needle and rotary hook timing ...................... 129
7-8. Adjusting the thread take-up amount
(-[][]3 specifications) ...................................... 130
7-9. Adjusting the presser foot floating amount
(minute lifting amount) (option) ...................... 131
7-10. Adjusting the thread tension and tension
release wire ................................................... 132
7-10-1. Adjusting the lower backup pin
(for tension stud bracket assembly) . 132
7-10-2. Adjusting the tension stud bracket
assembly position ............................. 133
7-10-3. Adjusting the tension release wire
position.............................................. 134
7-10-4. Adjusting the upper backup pin
(for pre-tension assembly)
(Premier specifications) .................... 135
7-10-5. Adjusting the pre-tension assembly
position (Premier specifications) ....... 136
7-10-6. Checking after adjustment................ 137
7-11. Adjusting the rotary hook lubrication
amount ........................................................ 138
7-12. Setting method for standard depression
strokes ........................................................ 139
7-13. Adjusting the X-over seam sensor
(Premier specifications) .............................. 140
7-14. Touch key adjustment ................................. 142
8. REPLACING PARTS ...........................
8-1. Thread trimming (Other than premier
specifications) ............................................... 144
8-2. Thread trimming knife (Premier
specifications) ............................................... 147
8-3. Main shaft motor ........................................... 151
8-4. Feed motor .................................................... 155
8-5. Feed bar shaft, lifting feed shaft ................... 159
8-6. Panel ............................................................. 160
8-6-1. Replacing panel .................................. 160
8-6-2. Adjusting the tension stud bracket
assembly position ............................... 164
(- []3[] SPECIFICATIONS) ...................
10. ELECTRIC MECHANISM ..................
10-1. Precautions at the time of adjustment ........ 167
10-2. Connectors .................................................. 168
10-2-1. Connector positions .......................... 168
10-3. Fuse explanation ......................................... 170
10-4. Checking the motor and power supply ....... 171
10-5. Checking the solenoids ............................... 173
11. TROUBLESHOOTING .......................
11-1. Troubleshooting .......................................... 174
11-2. List of error codes ....................................... 181