Creating print data
5 Fill
This function enables you to change the fill color for text and the solid filled
The transparency can be changed by moving the [Transparency] bar. The
transparency will increase or decrease, as the value increases or decreases.
By pressing the "+" button, you can add any optional colors.
6 Line
With this function, color, transparency and thickness of the outline of text can be
If the outline thickness value is too large, the outline may not be arranged along the
font shape, resulting in the collapsing of the shape.
7 Shadow
This function gives a drop-shadow to text. Using this function, you can specify a
shadow color, transparency, position, distance and blurring.
Color: Using this function enables you to change a shadow color.
Transparency: This function changes a shadow transparency.
Position: With this function, you can change a position to which the shadow is
applied. By default, it is set to the lower-right corner.
Distance: With this function, you can change a distance over which the shadow
is applied. As the value increases or decreases, the distance increases or the
object comes nearer to the center.
Blur: As the value increases, the level of blurring increases.
When text with a shadow is moved, part of the shadow may seem to disappear
from the screen. However, such shadows appear when the text is printed out.
When shadow is applied to a text placed over an object with RGB=255, the area
around the blurring section of the shadow may become white.