Probable Cause
Is platen feed adjusted?
With reference to "7-4-4. Platen feed adjustment >>P.217", adjust
the feed of the platen. It is likely that the setup value is incorrectly
set after replacing a print head or the platen with a new one.
Isn't the [Low Temperature Mode] set to [Disable]?
With reference to "8-5. Print Operation Settings Under Low
Temperature >>P.227", change the setting to [Enable(Normal)].
Blurring is observed (when printed with [Color Ink Only])
Probable Cause
Isn't the amount of ink excessive against the print
With reference to "5-6-5. Printing ink volume >>P.120", print the
ink volume and check the blurring, and select appropriate set
value for [Ink Volume:].
For details of [Ink Volume:] setting procedure, refer to "5-3-7. For
Graphix Lab: Color ink settings >>P.78" or "5-5-6. For other
applications: Color ink settings >>P.113".
Blurring is observed (when printed with [Color+White Ink])
Probable Cause
Is the [Highlight:] of [White Ink Settings:] too high?
With reference to "5-6-6. Print out of highlight check pattern
>>P.121", print the highlight check pattern to check the blurring,
and select appropriate set value for [Highlight:].
For details of [Highlight:] setting procedure, refer to "5-3-4. For
Graphix Lab: White ink settings >>P.75" or "5-5-3. For other
applications: White ink settings >>P.109".
By turning ON the [White/Color Pause] or [Color Multiple Pass
Printing] checkbox, extend time before the color ink settles onto
the white ink, to prevent blurring. Try this method to eliminate
blurring without weakening the highlight.
For details of [White/Color Pause] setting procedure, refer to
"5-3-8. For Graphix Lab: White ink advanced settings >>P.80" or
"5-5-7. For other applications: White ink settings >>P.114".
For details of [Color Multiple Pass Printing] setting method, refer
to "5-3-6. For Graphix Lab: Color multiple pass printing >>P.77" or
"5-5-5. For other applications: Color multiple pass printing
Ink sticks to such an area where no print data exists (ink stain, horizontal stripe, etc.)
Probable Cause
Is the area around the print heads soiled with waste
ink spilled from the wiper cleaner or head cap?
With reference to "7-1-2. Cleaning the nozzle guard, wiper,
exhaust cap, and suction cap >>P.177", clean the area around
the print heads and the suction cap.
Furthermore, by reference to "7-1-3. Replacing the wiper cleaner
>>P.187", replace the old wiper cleaner with a new one.
Is any lint attached to the nozzle surface?
With reference to "7-1-2. Cleaning the nozzle guard, wiper,
exhaust cap, and suction cap >>P.177", clean the nozzle guard.
Is the carriage plate contaminated?
With reference to "7-2-4. Cleaning the CR (carriage) plate
>>P.203", perform the cleaning on the carriage plate.