G - 3
remote access code The four-digit code that allows you to call and access your FAX/MFC from
a remote location.
resolution The number of vertical and horizontal lines per inch. See: Standard, Super Fine and
Rotary A form of dialing on a telephone line.
scanning The process of sending an electronic image of a paper document into your computer.
Speed dial A preprogrammed number for easy dialing. You must press the Search/Speed Dial
key, press
, and then the two digit code to start the dialing process.
Standard resolution 98 x 203 dpi. It is used for regular size text and quickest transmission.
Station ID The stored information that appears on the top of faxed pages. It includes the sender’s
name and fax number.
super fine resolution 392 x 203 dpi. Best for very small print and line art.
Tel Index An electronic, alphabetical listing of stored One Touch, Speed Dial and Group
thermal transfer A printing process in which heat transfers carbon ink from a ribbon to a plain
Tone A form of dialing on the telephone line used for Touch Tone telephones.
transmission The process of sending originals over the phone lines from your FAX/MFC to the
receiving FAX/MFC.
User Setting List A printed report that shows the current settings of your FAX/MFC.
Xmit Report (Transmission Verification Report) A listing of each transmission, showing
caller ID, date, time, and number of pages.