Configuring inline power on PoE ports in a LAG
Perform the following steps to configure and deploy a link aggregation group (LAG) on the required
PoE ports on both the Brocade power sourcing equipment (PSE) and the PD. This task also enables
inline power on the PoE ports.
1. Configure a LAG.
The following example onfigures a static LAG named mylag with an ID of 5.
Device(config)# lag "mylag" static id 5
2. Configure ports into the LAG membership.
The following example configures the four ports, 1/1/1, 1/1/2, 1/1/3, and 1/1/4, into the LAG
Device(config-lag-mylag)# ports ethernet 1/1/1 to 1/1/4
3. Configure a primary port for the LAG.
The following example configures port 1/1/1 as the primary port.
Device(config-lag-mylag)# primary-port 1/1/1
4. Deploy the LAG.
The following example deploys the mylag LAG.
Device(config-lag-mylag)# deploy
5. Configure inline power on the primary port with the power-by-class option.
The following example configures inline power on the primary port,1/1/1, with power-by-class option
Device(config)# inline power ethernet 1/1/1 power-by-class 3
6. Configure inline power on a secondary port with the default option.
The following example configures inline power on port 1/1/2 with the default option.
Device(config)# inline power ethernet 1/1/2
7. Configure inline power on a secondary port with the power management option.
The following example configures inline power on port 1/1/3 with power management option 2. The
range is 1 (lowest) to 3 (highest). The default is 1.
Device(config)# inline power ethernet 1/1/3 priority 2
8. Configure inline power on a secondary port, specifying the actual power value.
The following example configures inline power on the port 1/1/4, specifying an actual power value of
12000 mWatts.
Device(config)# inline power ethernet 1/1/4 power-limit 12000
Configuring inline power on PoE ports in a LAG
FastIron Ethernet Switch Administration Guide