Here is an example of how the Syslog messages are displayed.
telnet@device#terminal monitor
Syslog trace was turned ON
SYSLOG: <9>device, Power supply 2, power supply on left connector, failed
SYSLOG: <14>device, Interface ethernet 6, state down
SYSLOG: <14>device, Interface ethernet 2, state up
Displaying real-time Syslog messages
Any terminal logged on to a Brocade switch can receive real-time Syslog messages when the
command is issued.
Syslog service configuration
The procedures in this section describe how to perform the following Syslog configuration tasks:
• Specify a Syslog server. You can configure the Brocade device to use up to six Syslog servers. (Use
of a Syslog server is optional. The system can hold up to 1000 Syslog messages in an internal
• Change the level of messages the system logs.
• Change the number of messages the local Syslog buffer can hold.
• Display the Syslog configuration.
• Clear the local Syslog buffer.
Logging is enabled by default, with the following settings:
• Messages of all severity levels (Emergencies - Debugging) are logged.
• By default, up to 50 messages are retained in the local Syslog buffer. This can be changed.
• No Syslog server is specified.
Displaying the Syslog configuration
To display the Syslog parameters currently in effect on a Brocade device, enter the following command
from any level of the CLI.
device>#show logging
Syslog logging: enabled (0 messages dropped, 0 flushes, 0 overruns)
Buffer logging: level ACDMEINW, 3 messages logged
level code: A=alert C=critical D=debugging M=emergency E=error
I=informational N=notification W=warning
Static Log Buffer:
Dec 15 19:04:14:A:Fan 1, fan on right connector, failed
Dynamic Log Buffer (50 entries):
Dec 15 18:46:17:I:Interface ethernet 1/4, state up
Dec 15 18:45:21:I:Bridge topology change, vlan 4095, interface 4, changed
state to forwarding
Dec 15 18:45:15:I:Warm start
The Syslog display shows the following configuration information, in the rows above the log entries
Displaying real-time Syslog messages
FastIron Ethernet Switch Administration Guide