Field definitions for the show inline power detail command
Power supply data
PoE+ Max Operating Voltage This field is applicable to FSX 800 and FSX 1600 PoE+ chassis devices only. It
displays the maximum operating voltage supported by the PoE power supply.
Possible values are:
• 52 V
• 54 V
Model Number
The manufacturing part number of the PoE power supply. Values are eight digits in
length and begin with "32" or "30" for example:
• 32016000
• 32007000
Serial Number
The serial number of the PoE power supply, for example, AA100730213.
Firmware Ver
The PoE power supply firmware version.
Test Date
The PoE power supply firmware test date in the format mm/dd/yyyy.
H/W Status
The PoE power supply hardware status code. This field is used by Brocade
Technical Support for troubleshooting.
Max Curr
The PoE power supply maximum current capacity.
The PoE power supply current input voltage.
The PoE power supply total power capacity (in watts).
PoE Capacity
The PoE power supply PoE power capacity (in watts).
The total number of watts consumed by PoE power consuming devices and PoE
modules in the system, plus any internal or cable power loss.
Under the lower total inline power consumption level by Powered Devices (PDs) on
FSX 800 and FSX 1600 devices, the power consumption displayed by the power
supply units (PSUs) is inaccurately displayed as lower than the actual power
consumption of the PSUs due to the sensitivity limitations of power supply
General PoE data
The device/slot/port number.
Firmware Version
The firmware version for the device/slot/port.
Power over Ethernet
FastIron Ethernet Switch Administration Guide