Utilization list for an uplink port
You can configure uplink utilization lists that display the percentage of a given uplink port bandwidth that
is used by a specific list of downlink ports. The percentages are based on 30-second intervals of RMON
packet statistics for the ports. Both transmit and receive traffic is counted in each percentage.
This feature is intended for ISP or collocation environments in which downlink ports are dedicated to
various customers’ traffic and are isolated from one another. If traffic regularly passes between the
downlink ports, the information displayed by the utilization lists does not provide a clear depiction of
traffic exchanged by the downlink ports and the uplink port.
Each uplink utilization list consists of the following:
• Utilization list number (1, 2, 3, or 4)
• One or more uplink ports
• One or more downlink ports
Each list displays the uplink port and the percentage of that port bandwidth that was utilized by the
downlink ports over the most recent 30-second interval.
You can configure up to four bandwidth utilization lists.
Utilization list for an uplink port command syntax
To configure an uplink utilization list, enter commands such as the following. The commands in this
example configure a link utilization list with port 1/1 as the uplink port and ports 1/2 and 1/3 as the
downlink ports.
device(config)#relative-utilization 1 uplink eth 1/1 downlink eth 1/2 to 1/3
device(config)#write memory
[no] relative-utilization
uplink ethernet
port | port
downlink ethernet
port [
| [port
parameter specifies the list number. You can configure up to four lists. Specify a number from
1 - 4.
uplink ethernet
parameters and the port numbers you specify after the parameters indicate the
uplink ports.
downlink ethernet
parameters and the port numbers you specify after the parameters indicate the
downlink ports.
Displaying utilization percentages for an uplink
After you configure an uplink utilization list, you can display the list to observe the percentage of the
uplink bandwidth that each of the downlink ports used during the most recent 30-second port statistics
interval. The number of packets sent and received between the two ports is listed, as well as the ratio of
each individual downlink port packets relative to the total number of packets on the uplink.
To display an uplink utilization list, enter a command such as the following at any level of the CLI.
device#show relative-utilization 1
uplink: ethe 1
30-sec total uplink packet count = 3011
Utilization list for an uplink port
FastIron Ethernet Switch Administration Guide