2/24/2008 9T6WP
Preliminary Hardware Data Module
Functional Description
Bro a d c o m C o rp o r a ti o n
Page 1-44
Video and Graphics Display
The Memory-to-Memory Compositor interacts directly with memory only. There is no real-time processing of graphics (apart
from the graphics feeder in the video block). This allows the graphics system to be divorced from the video that reduces the
real-time scheduling (RTS) requirements. This real-time scheduling was becoming more and more restrictive as more
graphics features have been added to the system requirements.
The purpose of a compositor is to manipulate memory in an efficient manner—where the memory contains graphics or other
data that displays. The simplest of these operations is a memory-to-memory DMA function (a.k.a. copy BLT). More complex
operations include ROP, blend, and/or scale options.
Picture Size: Up to 8191 pixels per line and 8191 lines per picture for both input and output.
Pixel Format: Accept and supply many raster-ordered formats. Each input and output can be stored in different formats.
Scaling Capability: FIR filters available for both upscale and downscale. To improve vertical filtering, a vertical mode of
operation has been introduced to facilitate anti-flutter filtering and other advanced visual filtering algorithms.
Non-real-time operation: The concept of using the compositor to handle the graphics processing is to divorce this
operation from the real-time display and compositing of the resulting video.
Processing performance of up to one pixel per clock
Color Keying
Color Matrix
Compositing operations can also be used to handle format conversions (such as replacing ARGB4444 with AYUV8888
CLUT inputs cannot be converted to another CLUT (the reverse look-up table is not available).