2/24/2008 9T6WP
Preliminary Hardware Data Module
Functional Description
Bro a d c o m C o rp o r a ti o n
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Data Transport Processor
Each message buffer is associated with a PID channel.
Section filter supports the capability to overwrite the CRC of a valid MPEG PSI message with a fixed pattern or with the
section filter match tag, or append of filter match tag to each saved message.
Error handling of messages.
Messages written into the message buffer are optionally 32-bit word aligned. Message length is unchanged.
Supports 24 RAVE channels. Each RAVE channel can be configured as a record channel for PVR or as an AV channel
to interface to audio and video decoders.
Each record channel can record up to 128 PID channels from a transport stream.
Supports up to six transport parser index tables for use in PVR applications.
Supports up to 32 SCDs (Start Code Detect Table). One SCD is required for each AV channel and up to eight SCDs
can be assigned to each record channel for Start Code Detect Index Table.
Supports parsing of Transport/PES data to ES and generate CDB/ ITBs for audio/video decoders.
Five independent playback channels to provide data to the video, audio and/or two remux modules.
Supports data transport local timestamp insertion for record and playback of transport streams.
PID filter, Packet Substitution, and PCR correction support for two dual-channel remux Interface blocks with a maximum
100 Mbps rate. Combines any two transport streams from the available input streams or playback channels.
Supports four independent PCR recovery blocks.
Most of the programmable control registers are readable by the host MIPs.
Support glue-less M-card and S-card interface from MPOD block in transport design
PCROFFSET block to support Mosaic mode, i.e., support of 16 PCR PIDs and all audio/video PID channel can map to
any PCR PID, irrespective of Parser band
Packet substitution for six band support
Support per context picture counter in RAVE
Support separate ITB indication for garbage data in RAVE
Support mechanism to extract up to 8 bytes of data after start code in RAVE ITB
Support DLNA timestamp format in record path
Support DLNA timestamp format in playback path
Includes Broadcom Security Processor with OTP for key generation.
Security features:
Supports Passage as defined by Sony
Supports Multi-Stream CableCard as defined by OpenCable Advanced Multi-Stream POD (MPOD) Interface
Supports RASP as defined by NDS
Supports an NDS ICAM 2.2 Module
1DES/3DESDVB/Multi2/AES Descrambler for Conditional Access for up to 128 PID channels. Supports either 64-bit
or 56-bit DES keys. Supports 128 bit AES and 3DES keys. Support 64-bit Multi2 keys and four 256-bit system keys.
Mem-to-Mem DMA Security module for AES, 1DES, 3DES, C2 (CPRM, CPPM), CSS, M6 for Copy Protection.
Supports 42 keys which can be configured as 64-, 128-, or 192-bit keys.