Chapter 7 Changing Effect Settings
POST GAIN 0/+6/+12/+18
Specify the level of the output sound.
LOW GAIN -15–+15 dB
Specify the gain (amount of boost or cut) for the low
frequency range. Positive (+) settings will emphasize (boost)
the low frequency range.
HI GAIN (High Gain) -15–+15 dB
Specify the gain (amount of boost or cut) for the high
frequency range. Positive (+) settings will emphasize (boost)
the high frequency range.
LEVEL (Output Level) 0–127
Specify the output volume.
HEX-CHORUS (Hexa Chorus)
Hexa-chorus is a six-stage chorus which adds depth and
spaciousness to the sound. (Six chorus sounds with different
delay times are overlaid.)
PRE DELAY (Pre Delay Time) 0.0–100 ms
Specify the delay time from the original sound until when
the chorus sound is heard.
RATE (Chorus Rate) 0.05–10.0 Hz
Specify the modulation frequency of the chorus sound.
DEPTH (Chorus Depth) 0–127
Specify the modulation depth of the chorus sound.
PRE DLY DEV (Pre Delay Deviation) 0–20
The Pre Delay parameter explained above specified the delay time
from the original sound until when the chorus sound is heard.
This Pre Delay Deviation parameter specifies the differences in Pre
Delay time for each of the chorus sounds. Higher settings will
cause each of the chorus sounds to be spread further apart.
DEPTH DEV (Depth Deviation) -20–+20
Specify the difference in modulation depth between each of
the chorus sounds.
PAN DEV (Pan Deviation) 0–20
Specify the difference in stereo position between each of the
chorus sounds.
With a setting of 0, all of the chorus sounds will be panned to
the center. With a setting of 20, each chorus sound will be
panned at 60 degree intervals relative to the center.
BALANCE (Effect Balance) D100:0E–D0:100E
Specify the volume balance between the original sound and
the chorus sound.
With a setting of D100:0E only the original sound will be
output, and with a setting of D0:100E only the chorus sound
will be output.
LEVEL (Output Level) 0–127
Specify the output volume.
TREMOLO-CHO (Tremolo Chorus)
Tremolo-chorus is a chorus with a tremolo effect (cyclic
modulation of volume).
PRE DELAY (Pre delay Time) 0.0–100 ms
Specify the delay time from the original sound until when
the chorus sound is heard.
CHO RATE (Chorus Rate) 0.05–10.0 Hz
Specify the modulation frequency of the chorus sound.
CHO DEPTH (Chorus Depth) 0–127
Specify the modulation depth of the chorus sound.
TREM PHASE (Tremolo Phase) 0–180
Specify the phase of the tremolo sound.
TREM RATE (Tremolo Rate) 0.05–10.0 Hz
Specify the modulation frequency of the tremolo effect.
TREM DEPTH (Tremolo Depth) 0–127
Specify the depth of the tremolo effect.
BALANCE (Effect Balance) D100:0E–D0:100E
Specify the volume balance between the original sound and
the tremolo-chorus sound.
With a setting of D100:0E only the original sound will be
output, and with a setting of D0:100E only the tremolo-
chorus sound will be output.
LEVEL (Output Level) 0–127
Specify the output volume.
Balance E
Balance E
L in
R in
L out
R out
Hexa Chorus
Balance D
Balance D
Tremolo Chorus
L in
R in
L out
R out
Balance D
Balance D
Balance E
Balance E