Setting of the parameters for the gear (n1, n2), spindle pitch (k)
and position polarity (p) is explained in
Setting the spindle parameters
To set the spindle parameters, first decide whether you need a spindle or a
spindle C-axis. The basic projects of the MTX micro each feature preconfig‐
ured spindle C-axes. You should define a pure spindle only if there is no posi‐
tion encoder available for the spindle.
When do you need a spindle C-axis?
A turning machine needs a spindle C-axis if one of the following functions is
Face transformation (COORD(3))
Cylinder jacket transformation (COORD(1..2))
Thread cutting (G33)
A spindle C-axis is required on a milling machine or on the tool spindle of a
turning machine for the following functions:
Tapping without compensating chuck (G63)
Selecting the spindle
To select the spindle, the drive type must be changed in the NC configuration
under "SpFunc". Select the appropriate drive for configuration, right-click on
the drive, select "Modify into" from the context menu, and continue with
Selecting the spindle C-axis
If a spindle is to be changed into a spindle C-axis, select "AxFunc/SpFunc"
from the context menu.
Fig. 8-13:
Defining a drive as spindle / spindle C-axis
Spindle index and system axis index
Basic settings for the spindles are made in the "SP" and "SCSP" data groups.
In the SP data group, the decisive parameterization factor is the spindle in‐
dex. This index is automatically assigned when a spindle or spindle C-axis is
Bosch Rexroth AG
IndraMotion MTX micro Easy Setup for Standard Turning and Milling Machines
NC parameterization