Important instructions on use
Intended use
Bosch Rexroth products are developed and manufactured according to the
state-of-the-art. The products are tested prior to delivery to ensure operating
safety and reliability.
The products may only be used as intended. If they are not used as intended,
situations occur that result in damage to property or injury to persons.
Bosch Rexroth shall not assume any warranty, liability or payment
of damages in case of damage resulting from a non-intended use
of the products; the use shall solely bear all risks from unintended
use of the products.
Before using Bosch Rexroth products, the following requirements have to be
met to guarantee the intended use of the products:
Anybody dealing with Bosch Rexroth products in any way is obliged to
read and consent to the relevant safety instructions and the intended
Hardware products may not be altered and have to remain in their origi‐
nal state; i.e. no structural changes are permitted. The decompilation of
software products or the alteration of source codes is not permitted.
Do not install or operate damaged or faulty products.
It has to be ensured that the products have been installed as described
in the relevant documentation.
Ensure that the data present in the control or entered or read in
by the user is correct before applying it to exclude unwanted axis
motion. It can be the following invalid or old data:
Part programs
ZO tables
Compensation tables
Tool tables
Permanent CPL variables
Remanent PLC data
Permanent system data
Areas of use and application
The Rexroth IndraMotion MTX control is used to
program contour and machining technology (path feed, spindle speed,
tool change) of a workpiece.
guide a machining tool along a programmed path.
Feed drives, spindles and auxiliary axes of a machine tool are activated via
sercos interface.
Bosch Rexroth AG
IndraMotion MTX micro Easy Setup for Standard Turning and Milling Machines
Important instructions on use