MinSpSpeed – minimum speed
MaxSpAcc – maximum acceleration
If the spindle is also to be used for "tapping without compensating chuck
MaxSpAccPosCtrl[1] – acceleration in position control mode; rec‐
ommended: 50% MaxSpAcc
Speed window
Fig. 8-15:
Setting the speed window
Then set the speed windows for the "Speed reached" bit. Both windows are
effective at the same time, with the percent window "PercWin" acting in high
speed ranges and the absolute window "AbsWin" in low speed ranges.
Recommendation: AbsWin = 5.0, PercWin = 5.0
Gear ratios
Each gear stage has a parameter set assigned to it in the drive,
with the index of the parameter ParSet [ ] corresponding to the
previously defined gear stage GearStep [ ].
The following applies: GearStep[1] → ParSet[1], GearStep[2] →
Configuring gear switching in the
Gear switching must also be configured in the drive itself. This can be ach‐
ieved in the "Parameter Set Switching" dialog in the IndraWorks Drive. The
number of parameter blocks (1) and the parameter groups (2) are directly
specified by the CNC. The parameter block can be copied by clicking on
"Copy parameter set 0 to" (3).
Fig. 8-16:
Configuring parameter block switching
The "Activation of drive-controlled parameter block switching"
checkbox may not be activated.
We recommend that you proceed as follows to commission a gear:
1. Enter the data of the gear stages in the NC configuration
Bosch Rexroth AG
IndraMotion MTX micro Easy Setup for Standard Turning and Milling Machines
NC parameterization