MS-301 Multi parameter Water Quality Sensor
dry the sensor and calibration container with water after completion.
Pour the standard solution at point 3 (generally recommended 10 mg/L) into a clean, dry or pre-rinsed
calibration container. Carefully immerse the Sensor at the end of the main unit in the solution. Please
ensure that the front end of the Fluorine Ion Sensor is immersed in the solution at least 2 cm and enter the
standard value. When the value in the software interface is stable, click “3 point Calibration”. Rinse and
dry the sensor and calibration container with water after completion.
You can directly select the input value in the correction parameter box and click “factor” and “deviation”
to calibrate the factor and deviation value. Chloride Ion Sensor Calibration
See section 6.1.9 for instructions before calibration. Take an option from the calibration menu to enter the
"electrode" calibration program, and the interface is showed by diagram as below. Then, the operation of
calibration can be prepared to start. Types of ion electrodes should be pre-configured, such as that showed
in the square frame.
The Chloride Ion sensor is calibrated with Chloride Ion standard solution for three to five point
calibration. The factory requires 4-point calibration. The customer can base on the situation on the site to
calibrate with three to five point calibration method. The calibration points and current calibration points
can be selected in the calibration box.
1,Usually, 3 points calibration can be chose when the water below 1000mg/L is measured, including
0.02mg/L,10mg/L and 200mg/L.
2,In addition to the first point, the fixed use of pure water as zero, when the water condition is tested to be
stable, it can be adjusted according to the concentration range of the water to obtain better accuracy in the
normal concentration range of the water.
For example, when the concentration range of the measured water is generally between 0 and 20, then
0.02mg/L,1 mg / L and 10 mg / L can be selected;
When the concentration range of the measured water is generally between 0 and 200, then 0.02mg/L,10
mg / L and 100 mg / L can be selected;
When the concentration range of the measured water is generally between 200 and 1000, then
0.02mg/L,10 mg / L and 200 mg / L can be selected;
3,If higher accuracy is required, 4 or 5 points calibration is recommended in the measuring for the water.