MS-301 Multi parameter Water Quality Sensor
Temperature is a measure of the amount of heat present in a body of water, and temperature is considered
to be a very important single parameter. It affects other parameters of water quality and controls the
metabolism of aquatic animals and plants.
The integrated multi parameter water quality sensor uses a thermistor to measure the temperature of the
water. The resistance value of the thermistor changes with temperature, and the measured resistance value
can be converted into a temperature value using a corresponding calculation formula. This formula has
been built into the host software, and the user can directly view the real-time Celsius. The appearance of
the temperature sensor is shown in Figure 3.
Figure 3 Temperature sensor
Temperature Sensor Specification
Thermistor method
0~50 °C
0.01 °C
± 0.5 °C
2.2 pH Sensor
pH describes the pH and basic properties of a water body. It is acidic when pH<7.0, neutral when pH=7.0,
and alkaline when pH>7.0.
The pH sensor uses a glass electrode method to measure the pH of the water. The sensor consists of two
parts, including a glass bubble containing a glass film that selectively responds to H+, a glass foam
containing a 0.1 mol/L HCl internal reference solution, and an internal reference electrode Ag- AgCl
electrode. When the electrode is immersed in the solution to be tested, the difference between the stable
potential of the reference electrode and the potential generated by the glass sphere is proportional to the
H+ concentration in the solution.