MS-301 Multi parameter Water Quality Sensor
Before the test and calibration, some preparation work for the conductivity sensor is required. Before the
test, remove the protective soaking bottle or rubber sleeve with the soaking liquid on the sensor, immerse
the sensor in distilled water, and then remove and gently absorb the moisture. The electrode is ready for
use. (Be careful not to rub the sensitive component part.) Conductivity calibration requires:When K=1,
use 1000±50 μS/cm standard buffer solution; when K=10, use 10000±100μS/cm standard buffer solution.
The actual value of the standard liquid is used for calibration.
The specific calibration steps are:
1. Try to ensure that the sensor is dry before calibrating. Pour the correct amount of 300-500μS/cm
standard into a clean, dry or pre-rinsed calibration container.
2. Carefully immerse the Sensor at the end of the main unit in the solution. Make sure the top vent of the
conductance Sensor is immersed in the solution at least 1cm and make sure the temperature Sensor is also
immersed at least 1cm below the solution. Slightly rotate or move the unit up and down to ensure there
are no air bubbles on the Sensor.
3. When the AD value in the software interface is stable, enter the value of the selected standard buffer in
the “Calibration” box and click the Sensor calibration.
4. After the calibration is complete, rinse the sensor and calibration container with water and allow to dry.
You can also directly enter the value in the “Correction Parameters” box and click “factor” and
“deviation” to calibrate the factor and deviation value.