Integrated Multi-parameter Sensor Operation manual
Before use, remove the protective soaking bottle or rubber sleeve with the soaking liquid on the sensor,
immerse the sensor in distilled water, then remove it and gently absorb the water. At this point the
electrode can be used (be careful not to rub the sensitive component part). The ORP sensor uses a 2-point
calibration method to select two points in the “Calibration” box.
The specific calibration steps are:
First point calibration: first adjust the current calibration point of the “Calibration” box to “1 Point”,
and pour the correct amount of pH 7.00 standard solution into a clean, dry or pre-rinsed calibration
container. Add a little quinhydrone
quinhydrone is extremely toxic, so wear mask gloves and protective
clothing when preparing the solution
, stir to dissolve to saturation, and place the sensor in the standard
solution and stir at an appropriate rate. Carefully immerse the probe at the end of the main unit in the
solution. Make sure the glass bulb is immersed in the solution at least 1 cm. When the ORP electrode
voltage in the software interface is stable, enter the “86” standard solution value in the “Calibration” box
and click “1st Calibration”.
The second point calibration: adjust the current calibration point of the “Calibration” box to “2 Point”,
rinse the probe with water and wipe it clean, pour the correct amount of pH 4.00 standard solution into a
clean and dry or pre-washed In the calibration vessel, add a little quinhydrone, stir well to dissolve, and
place the sensor in the standard solution and stir at an appropriate rate. Carefully immerse the probe at the
end of the main unit in the solution. Make sure the glass bulb is immersed in the solution at least 1 cm.