Integrated Multi-parameter Sensor Operation manual
5.1.5 GPS
Choose the key of “GPS”, and press the key of “Enter” to get in. Choose the key of “enable” if it is
necessary, which can be operated only in the open air. And then, the status of GPS will change when the
operation is done, and also, the information of longitude and latitude on the interface will change when
the location changes. If it is necessary to save current information of longitude and latitude, please choose
the key of “save” and press the key of “Enter”, and then, the saved information of longitude and latitude
can be seen in the column of “history information”. (The information of longitude and latitude can be
seen in the column of “history information” will not change with the change of the locations. The
information of longitude and latitude in the column of “history information” refers to the last information
saved by pressing the key of “save”. ) If it is not necessary to save current information of longitude and
latitude, please choose the key of “delete” and press the key of “Enter”. The process of operation is
showed by diagram as below.
5.2 Constant data
After the right connection of hand manipulator and integrated multi-parameter analyzer, the constant data
can be checked and measured in the interface of “real-time data” of the main page. For instance, when
you press the key of “Enter”, you get the information of unconnected with probe, you should check the
situation of probe. Please check the details in Chapter 5.1.1 and 5.1.2 to reset the connection.
5.3 Historical data
After getting into the menu of “historical data”, you can search the data through the selection of time
quantum that customers need. If it is necessary to output the data, the hand manipulator will output all the
history data stored at any time.