Integrated Multi-parameter Sensor Operation manual
2.1 Temperature Sensor
Temperature is a measure of the amount of heat present in a body of water, and temperature is considered
to be a very important single parameter. It affects other parameters of water quality and controls the
metabolism of aquatic animals and plants.
The integrated multi-parameter analyzer uses a thermistor to measure the temperature of the water. The
resistance value of the thermistor changes with temperature, and the measured resistance value can be
converted into a temperature value using a corresponding calculation formula. This formula has been built
into the host software, and the user can directly view the real-time Celsius. The appearance of the
temperature sensor is shown in Figure 3.
Figure 3 Temperature sensor
Temperature Sensor Specification
Thermistor method
0~50 °C
0.01 °C
± 0.5 °C
2.2 pH Sensor
pH describes the pH and basic properties of a water body. It is acidic when pH<7.0, neutral when pH=7.0,
and alkaline when pH>7.0.
The pH sensor uses a glass electrode method to measure the pH of the water. The sensor consists of two
parts, including a glass bubble containing a glass film that selectively responds to H+, a glass foam
containing a 0.1 mol/L HCl internal reference solution, and an internal reference electrode Ag- AgCl